How to calculate VESA GTF modelines with the command line on Linux.

Gtf is a utility for calculating VESA GTF modes. Given the desired horizontal and vertical resolutions and refresh rate (in Hz), the parameters for a matching VESA GTF mode are printed out. Two output formats are supported: mode lines suitable for the Xorg xorg.conf(5) file, and mode parameters suitable for…

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Get hardware information from your desktop PC on a website easily.

This is very easy to do. Get comprehensive hardware information about your desktop computer with a simple script. This is available to install for newer Ubuntu releases, but for those of us using an LTS release, the script may be downloaded from this page. Unpack the tarball and then…

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How to push changes from a local project to a GitHub repository.

Updating an open-source project is very easy. This can be done just fine with the command line. In this example, I am listing the files in a repository. 4.4 Tue Jun 16 jason@Yog-Sothoth 1: $ git ls-tree -r master –name-only LICENSE makefile src/iface.h src/strings.h src/sysinfo.cpp src/sysinfo.h system-info4.4 Tue Jun…

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Ebay website running scripts to port scan visitors.

The Ebay online-shopping website is running scripts to port scan users and determine if they are using a VPN and possibly attempting fradulent activity. But this is a compromise of security and trust. This can be blocked though. There is a lot of information about this here: Judging by…

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How to get Mac OS to read the .bashrc file on every login.

By default, Macintosh OSX does not read the .bashrc file when you login to the operating system. But it does read the .bash_profile script if it does exist. Therefore, create the .bash_profile in your home directory and put this in it. if [ -s ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc; fiif…

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How to easily get information about your CPU on Linux.

Getting information about your CPU on Linux is very easy. There are many ways to do this. The cpufreq app is one good way to get the current CPU frequency. 4.4 Thu Jun 04 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ cpufreq-info -f -m 988 MHz4.4 Thu Jun 04 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ cpufreq-info -f…

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How to recursively search with grep on Linux.

The grep utility is very useful for searching for text in files on a Linux system. It is possible to search for text or files recursively. This is very easy to do. This example is how to search for a text string recursively with grep. I have double quotes in…

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Crashed “UFO” in Rio, Brazil is just a glass bowl.

This supposed UFO is just a glass bowl laying on its side. You can tell that the dirt in the foreground is blurred due to the depth of field of the camera. This is hardly convincing at all. But Twitter and Youtube are full of videos of this supposed UFO….

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How to list certain installed packages on Debian Linux.

The dpkg command can be used to list all installed packages. I wanted to list the language packs installed with Firefox. So the command below is perfect. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ dpkg –list firefox-locale-* Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-==============================-====================-====================-================================================================== ii firefox-locale-de 75.0+build3-0ubuntu0 amd64 German language…

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Some very old but still useful tips for Linux users.

Run the urxvt terminal as a transparent colored terminal window. This is very useful indeed. urxvt -fn "fixed" +sr +st -fg "#FFFFFF" -bg "#000033" -bd "#302c64" \ -ip +sb -title "*-Home-${HOME}-Shell-${SHELL}-Display-${DISPLAY}*" \ -tint DarkSlateGrey -fade 50 -fadecolor redurxvt -fn "fixed" +sr +st -fg "#FFFFFF" -bg "#000033" -bd "#302c64" \ -ip…

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Do not use cat when you can avoid it. This is very annoying.

The unneeded use of the cat command is very annoying, this is wasteful. Something like this is very annoying to see. cat unixhell.txt | sed ‘s/program/application/g’cat unixhell.txt | sed ‘s/program/application/g’ Do it like this instead. This is the proper way to use sed. sed ‘s/program/application/g’ unixhell.txtsed ‘s/program/application/g’ unixhell.txt The user…

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