Easily change files on your Linux system with a simple command.

This command will change the default port for the SSH server on your Linux machine. jason@jason-desktop:~$ perl -pi -e ‘s/^#?Port 22$/Port 443/’ /etc/ssh/sshd_configjason@jason-desktop:~$ perl -pi -e ‘s/^#?Port 22$/Port 443/’ /etc/ssh/sshd_config Then run this command to restart the SSH server. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo service ssh restartjason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo service ssh restart This will…

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Very interesting shell scripting example.

This simple shell script will pick a random sentence from a text file. This is made up of multiple sentences from parts of the text file merged into one long sentence. words.sh1 2 3 4 5 #!/bin/sh   numwords=$(shuf -i 14-88 -n 1) words=$(shuf -n $numwords 122-0.txt | cut -d$”…

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How to view and open a chm file on Linux easily.

Opening and reading chm files on Linux is very easy, they are compressed archives and can be opened with 7zip. This is how to extract a chm file on Linux with 7zip. Then open the index.html file in Firefox to view the contents easily. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/kabylakeplatform_3_7_9/KabylakePlatSamplePkg/Docs$ 7z x PlatApi.chm 7-Zip [64]…

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How to control your Pulseaudio sound volume using the command line.

Pulseaudio can easily be controlled with the command line. The pactl utility is used to control the sound volume of a Pulseaudio sink. List all sinks with this command. jason@jason-desktop:~$ pactl list sinksjason@jason-desktop:~$ pactl list sinks Then look through the list to see which is the device you wish to…

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How to get information about a video file with the Linux command line easily.

Getting information about a video file on Linux with the command line is very easy. I will show how you can easily find the resolution of a video and the format. This example below will return the resolution of a video file. jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ ffprobe XR_3DA_2019_03_16_19_22_35_777.avi 2>&1 | grep -E ‘[[:digit:]]{3,}x[[:digit:]]{3,}’…

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Play a movie from one Linux machine with MPV over a network with SSHFS.

SSH is amazing in that it can allow a user to access the resources of one machine from another over the network. But with fast gigabit Ethernet connections these days, playing movies from one machine from another is now possible. Install SSHFS on your machine. jason@jason-desktop:~/remote$ sudo apt install sshfsjason@jason-desktop:~/remote$…

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Easily get Linux system information with simple utilities.

Get RAM information with the Linux command line and inxi. 4.4 Thu May 02 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo inxi -m 1) All commands run with root privileges are always dangerous. 2) Never run commands on an environment you are not willing to destroy, or able to restore. 3) Do not…

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Install the MATE desktop on Ubuntu and enjoy a nice reliable desktop environment.

To install the MATE desktop environment on Ubuntu 20.04, run this simple command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment-extras mate-common mate-desktop-environmentjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment-extras mate-common mate-desktop-environment Then you need to logout of the desktop session and restart the desktop login manager to allow it to detect MATE. Press Control-Alt-F2 and…

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How to spawn a nuke explosion with a script in Arma 3 with RHS.

This is how to spawn a nuke explosion with a script in Arma 3. This only does damage in a small radius, but it still is a lot of fun. [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", 500] call rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke;[getMarkerPos "respawn_west", 500] call rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke; This section of code will spawn a HE SCUD missile on…

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How to use Google Dorks to find usernames and passwords posted online.

Google Dorks can be very useful for finding user information posted online. This Google Dork will find logfiles and other things with usernames and passwords posted online. allintext:username filetype:logallintext:username filetype:log This will find putty information including server hostnames as well as usernames. A very good starting point. ext:reg “username=*” puttyext:reg…

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