How to add a new user on Linux and some other useful tips.

Adding a new user on Linux is very easy, this can be done with the groupadd and useradd commands. I am adding a new user group to Linux and then adding the new user to it. Firstly, add the new user group. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo groupadd -g 1001 cudauserjason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo groupadd…

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How to test if a C program on Linux is running from a TTY or not.

This simple C program will test whether it is running from a TTY or not. This is a simple test, but it could be quite useful. #include <stdio.h> #include <poll.h> #include <unistd.h>   int main(int argc, char* argv[]){   struct pollfd fds[1] = {{.fd = STDIN_FILENO, .events = POLLIN}};  …

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Build Stalker information and sketches.

I have found a very nice archive, this is a lot of build Stalker Call of Pripyat information and sketches. There is a lot of spreadsheets with artifact statistics as well. This would be very interesting to any Stalker fan. Download it here: There are also a few photos…

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Obscure Linux bash shell tricks and tips.

Some useful Bash shell tricks There are a lot of obscure Bash shell tricks for the Linux shell that is useful for showing off shell tricks and making your shell usage easier. For a first example, run this command. ubuntu ~ $ ls -hulaubuntu ~ $ ls -hula Then run…

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Some very old but nice UNIX bitmap wallpapers.

This old archive is a collection of very old UNIX bitmap wallpapers. These should be quite useful if you wish to set up a retro desktop and wish to have a retro tiling wallpaper as well. Also, I have a nice collection of all Windows `98 wallpapers. That…

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Gorgeous Linux themes for the modern desktop.

Some very nice themes for your Linux desktop in 2021 Some very nice themes for your Linux desktop in 2021Gnome Shell themesWallpapersIcon themes Gnome Shell themes MetalX Gnome Shell theme for Linux. Android Flat Gnome Shell theme. A nice flat grey theme for your Gnome desktop. Ambiance Gnome….

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How to simulate color blindness on Ubuntu or Linux Mint easily.

Simulating colour blindness is very useful for a graphics designer or web developer, this allows the designer to test if the graphics are visible properly when using various colours on buttons and hyperlinks. There is a very useful application that can help with this. This is called Color Oracle. This…

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Some very interesting Linux desktop themes for GTK.

Nice themes for your Linux desktop Some very nice themes for your Linux desktop in 2021Gnome Shell themesWallpapersIcon themesNice themes for your Linux desktopWindow themesDesktop wallpapers Window themes Google Chrome Metacity theme for MATE and Gnome Shell. This is a nice Google Chrome inspired theme for MATE and Gnome Shell….

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How to get good information about your Linux boot up easily.

Getting information about the boot process of your PC when running Linux is very easy. The Systemd framework can easily help with this. The systemd-analyze command prints the time that is taken by the operating system to reach a usable state. This would be better on a faster SSD. But…

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How to save your place in a movie when exiting MPV.

Saving your place in a movie when exiting MPV is very easy, this would be very useful when watching a long film and you need to exit the player and watch some more later. Add this to the ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf file. save-position-on-quitsave-position-on-quit This will allow the player to resume playback when…

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