Print awesome artwork in your Linux terminal.

Print some artwork to your terminal with these cool commands. These are excellent ASCII artwork samples that could be very nice to have in your terminal. wget -qO- Here is the output of that one-liner. It looks awesome when printed in the terminal. wget -qO-">   wget -qO-…

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How to list interfaces with Nmap. This is a very useful tip.

It is possible to list interfaces with Nmap. This is a good way to see all active network devices attached to your computer. Use the –iflist parameter as shown below to show all network interfaces on your machine. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ nmap –iflist Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2022-03-18 10:38…

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How to crack Cisco 7 “encrypted” passwords with a simple tool.

This website will crack Cisco 7 passwords instantly. This shows that this type of “encryption” is useless when an attacker has access to view the configuration of the switch. Better to use more stringent encryption like 4096 bit. But this is the way that Cisco work. If you get…

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