Stalker 2 a while away, but mods are keeping it alive.

The release of Stalker 2 is a long way off, release date is exactly 35 years after the Chernobyl incident? That would be April 25 2021. Though, it feels too soon to have an exact release date. But the game is in doubt, there are trailers on the Internet, but…

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Very useful Arma 3 scripting samples for making a nice mission easily.

To set the arsenal action on all crates in your base, use this code. This will give the Arsenal action to the Cargo Net Box item. Put this in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. { [_x, "Open the Arsenal", "a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\RespawnRoles\assault_ca.paa", "a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\RespawnRoles\assault_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 6) && (isNull (findDisplay 162))", "isNull (findDisplay…

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Start a mortar strike on an enemy position in Arma 3.

This simple code will start a mortar strike on an enemy position when a vehicle is destroyed. car1 addEventHandler [ ‘Killed’, { _bombardment = [BIS_Mortar,getMarkerPos "mk2","8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells",100,24,10] execVM "a3\missions_f_exp\showcases\showcase_endgame.tanoa\scripts\firesupport.sqf"; }];car1 addEventHandler [ ‘Killed’, { _bombardment = [BIS_Mortar,getMarkerPos "mk2","8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells",100,24,10] execVM "a3\missions_f_exp\showcases\showcase_endgame.tanoa\scripts\firesupport.sqf"; }]; Name the mortar BIS_Mortar, then place a marker on the…

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Arma 3 script samples and functions to make a great mission.

To play music while players enjoy your mission, use this simple but effective function. 6 fademusic 0.1;   [] call BIS_fnc_jukebox;6 fademusic 0.1; [] call BIS_fnc_jukebox; This plays ambient music, randomly selecting tracks to play. Put this in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. Put this code in the init of a vehicle…

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Arma 3 scripting tricks and samples for making missions.

Detect if a player has the APEX DLC. if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then { (_this select 0) ctrlsettext ‘\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa’; };if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then { (_this select 0) ctrlsettext ‘\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa’; }; Remove all NVG goggles and weapons from enemies. { if (side _x == east) then { _x…

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Arma 3 code snippets for making mods and missions.

This is a class that create a backpack that will unpack into a IED. It will detonate if shot at. class B_Carryall_EXP : Weapon_Bag_Base { scope = 2; class assembleInfo { assembleTo = "ModuleExplosive_IEDLandBig_F"; base = ""; displayName = "NATO Exp backpack."; dissasembleTo[] = {}; primary = 1; }; displayName…

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Very evil and cool Arma 3 script snippets.

Spawn a bomb wherever the player clicks on the map. onMapSingleClick "’Bomb_03_F’ createVehicle _pos,TRUE";onMapSingleClick "’Bomb_03_F’ createVehicle _pos,TRUE"; Attach a KAB-250 bomb to every bullet you fire, this also gives you unlimited ammo. Very destructive script for any malicious Arma 3 player. player addEventHandler ["Fired", { ("Bomb_03_F" createVehicle [0,0,1e9]) attachTo [_this…

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Code for Arma 3 to spawn you in a random jet with infinite ammo and refilling fuel.

This code will spawn you in a jet flying over the AO, this will pick a random jet and spawn you a long way up, so you will not crash before orienting yourself. Put this script in initPlayerLocal.sqf. private "_jet"; _jet = createVehicle [selectRandom ["O_Plane_Fighter_02_Stealth_F", "I_Plane_Fighter_04_F", "B_Plane_Fighter_01_Stealth_F", "O_Plane_CAS_02_dynamicLoadout_F"], getArray (configFile…

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Even more very useful Arma 3 script samples.

Some very good Arma 3 scripting samples Put this code into the init of a crate to create an Arsenal crate. this addaction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", { ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }];this addaction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", { ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }]; This code in the initPlayerLocal.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf files will remove…

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More very useful Arma 3 scripting commands.

Some very cool Arma 3 SQF scripting samples Shoot a vehicle or soldier 50,000 feet into the sky. cursorTarget setVelocity [0,0,1000]; hint format["%1 Is flying to space!",name cursorTarget];cursorTarget setVelocity [0,0,1000]; hint format["%1 Is flying to space!",name cursorTarget]; Spawn an AAF support crate in random houses around the HQ. _houseList =…

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Some more Arma 3 script samples.

Very useful Arma 3 scripting samples This scripting sample will remove the solar panels and doors from the Orange DLC tents and make them look like a good old fashioned MASH tent. med1 animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true]; med1 animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true]; med1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\A3\Structures_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Camps\Data\MedicalTent_01_tropic_F_CO.paa"];med1 animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true]; med1 animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true]; med1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\A3\Structures_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Camps\Data\MedicalTent_01_tropic_F_CO.paa"]; Add…

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