Ultimate Doom episode 5 is here.

George Romero has made a 5th episode for Ultimate Doom. This was expanded a long time ago with the fourth episode, Thy Flesh Consumed, and now we have a 5th episode, named Sigil. This is loaded with Doom, and adds a 5th episode to the 4 already in Ultimate Doom….

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Stalker New Arsenal 6 tips for new players.

Новый Арсенал 6 Сталкер мод советы и ссылки Новый Арсенал 6 Сталкер мод советы и ссылкиHow to get to Lab X-14 in New Arsenal 6DownloadTranslation tools and extractorNew Arsenal open binariesDisable artifact degeneration in New Arsenal 6How to enable cheats in New Arsenal 6How to dramatically increase the stash box…

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Declaring global variables in Arma 3 scripting.

Declaring a global variable in Arma 3 in very easy, this one is for defining the max radius of a battle zone. Declare it at the initial phase of your mission scripting like this. missionNamespace setVariable [’PARAMS_AOSize’,1000,FALSE]; // Radius of main AO.missionNamespace setVariable [‘PARAMS_AOSize’,1000,FALSE]; // Radius of main AO. Then…

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Another nice new Stalker Call of Pripyat mod.

There is another nice Misery clone on Stalkerportal.ru. This one is Pain of Misery 1.04 final. A standalone modification for Call of Pripyat. This is based upon the same gameplay as Dead Air and Misery. So a lot of items and inventory management, as well as weapon and outfit repair….

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How to get the developer mode working in Lost Alpha DC 1.4007

This is how to get this working in the latest Lost Alpha DC 1.4007. The instructions are here in Russian. https://stalkermod.ru/Treneryi-STALKER/spavner-dlya-lost-alpha-dc-1-4007.html. But simply, edit the shortcut on your desktop to look like this. "E:\stalker\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Lost Alpha DC\Lost Alpha Configurator.exe" -developer"E:\stalker\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Lost Alpha DC\Lost Alpha Configurator.exe" -developer Add the…

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Very nice new Stalker mod using Call of Pripyat engine.

Dead City Breakthrough (Мёртвый город: Прорыв). This is a new mod using Call of Pripyat engine. But you start in the Cordon military base and you then go to the Cordon camp where there is an underground base. This has a Bar and the Technician that can repair weapons. The…

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Stalker 2 website updated with a new song.

New Stalker 2 update. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 website has updated with a new music track and high-res background. This shows the old Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus and a guy with a gas mask on. This seems to encapsulate the Stalker feel very well. Hopefully it will live up to…

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How to protect your base in Arma 3 from trolls and griefing.

This very useful script when placed in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file will protect a base from придурки who are firing into your base and destroying everything. player addEventHandler ["FiredMan", {   _p = _this select 6; if( _p distance (getMarkerPos "respawn_west") < 1000) then { deleteVehicle _p; } else { _p…

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Stalker 2 developers are really getting annoying.

Сталкер 2 developers are wasting time on obscure codes instead of actually developing a worthwhile game. This is quite concerning, they could have a basic skeleton of a game and some artwork to show, but no, the stupid code they are showing is very strange, why not tell us…

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How to add a custom sound to Arma 3.

Adding custom sounds to Arma 3 is not too hard at all. I am adding a sound in this example to play when a mission is complete. Add this code to your description.ext file and change the classname and path to suit. class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { }; class…

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Narodnaya Solyanka Joint pack 2 is the best stalker.

The Narodnaya Solyanka Joint pack 2 Stalker mod is the best I think. I tried it again, and I finished the cave map. And now I need to fight with Wolf`s men. Feels good to pass a Stalker rite of passage. This is quite good indeed. Very hard, but a…

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