How to properly call a function from a trigger in Arma 3.

Calling a function from a trigger in Arma 3 can be very tricky, this is how I managed to do it. commanderDead = { [’task2′,’SUCCEEDED’] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; { _x setMarkerPos getPos house1; } forEach ["hqMarker", "hqCircle"]; [player, player, opfor, ["LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_IED","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_Corpsman","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_GL","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman_4","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman_4","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_AR_Asst_2","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_AT","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman_8","LOP_AFR_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman_5"], 16, 120] spawn BIS_fnc_spawnEnemy; private _attack = [] spawn KER_fnc_attackers;…

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Stream television online with mpv on Linux.

The MPV media player can easily stream television online. There are a few TV streams here: Here is an example. ──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ mpv──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ mpv This is to watch SBS in Sydney. The quality is perfect. This is a godsend. We should be…

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Play Stalker Call of Pripyat on Linux with OpenXray.

The new open-source OpenXray engine allows a gamer to run Call of Pripyat on Linux. This is how to install this very useful application. This comes as a PPA, just add the PPA to your system. 4.4 Thu Jan 16 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eagleivg/openxray4.4 Thu Jan 16 jason@Yog-Sothoth…

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My idea for a new terminator movie. Terminator New Hope.

Terminator 6 New Hope Opens with what looks like an Army Rangers raid on a terrorist camp, but it is a wargame/simulation. The Army Rangers are led by Captain John Connor, the best officer in the corps, and the wargame is his evaluation of the Army’s AMTAC (tactical combat…

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Stalker Anomaly mod not perfect.

The Stalker Anomaly beta 3.0 mod is plagued by poor AI according to a few players. This means it is inferior to other older mods like Dead Air. But the main problem is the levels are not occupied by many enemies, compared to Dead Air, they are empty and lifeless,…

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The best way to have music coming from a radio in Arma 3, this really works.

This code will play music from a Radio in Arma 3. fnc_radio = compileFInal preprocessfilelinenumbers "a3\missions_f_exp\Campaign\Missions\EXP_m01.Tanoa\functions\fn_EXP_m01_radioMusic.sqf";   [radio1] call fnc_radio;fnc_radio = compileFInal preprocessfilelinenumbers "a3\missions_f_exp\Campaign\Missions\EXP_m01.Tanoa\functions\fn_EXP_m01_radioMusic.sqf"; [radio1] call fnc_radio; Just place a radio item and name it radio1, then put the code above in your initPlayerServer.sqf file. This allows a radio to…

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Modding Dead Air is an entertaining enterprise.

I am still working on modding the Stalker Dead Air mod. This one is a bit old now, but benefits from a lot of changes. I have changed the Rostok megaphone audio to the audio used in the Stalker beta builds. This is controlled in the configs\misc\sound\script_sound_l05_bar.ltx file, this controls…

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Modding Shadow of Chernobyl is fun.

I am making a mod for Shadow of Chernobyl. This is to enhance gameplay and make the weapons more effective. This will not be a ridiculous mod like Complete Mod 2009. That is over the top and makes the game too easy. Mine has the weapons more powerful, but the…

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Playing around with old stalker versions.

I have been playing around with old Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl builds. Build 1935 and build 2571. Firstly, I looked at build 2571. I cannot run this, but it is fun to look inside the game files and see what is inside. I used this utility to extract the game…

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Save player`s loadout after closing arsenal in Arma 3.

To save the player`s loadout after they close the arsenal in Arma 3, put this code in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This code will save the player loadout after the arsenal is closed. [missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", { [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; titletext ["Arsenal loadout saved.", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;[missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", { [player,…

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How to script an artillery piece to fire on a certain position in Arma 3.

To make an artillery piece to fire on a certain spot in the editor, firstly, place the Scorcher unit, name it “arty1” and put this code in the init. this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}] This will give it unlimited ammo….

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Stalker 2 game still in dispute. Is it even real?

The Stalker 2 game is still in development, but there is still no information about it at all. When games are in development, normally, there are plenty of teasers and videos released to show the progress of the game, but with this, all we got was wallpaper and a soundtrack…

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