How to capture a FTP session password with tcpdump.

How to capture packets from a network with tcpdump and get an FTP login password. I used this tcpdump command line to capture packets traveling over my network, this was intended to capture an FTP login. I am using an Anonymous login as a example, but there is still a…

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A look at KDE 3.4 in Kubuntu 5.04.

This is a look at the KDE 3.4 Linux desktop environment in VMWare 12. The above screenshot shows the default KDE 3.4 desktop environment on Kubuntu 5.04. This is a very good looking desktop environment. The desktop is very fast indeed. The default Xorg video configuration would not work, so…

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Useful Arma 3 code samples to improve your missions.

This code will make your Arma 3 missions run much more smoothly. And provide some nice tricks to make the mission more enjoyable. Put this into the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This will remove stamina and make weapon sway much more realistic, i.e no Micheal J Fox mode after running. player setCustomAimCoef…

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