Posted: 9 September 2012. At: 7:00 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 4552
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Wrapping the printf() statement onto multiple lines in C and some other useful samples.

This code sample shows how we are wrapping a printf() statement onto multiple lines using backslashes.

#include "stdio.h"
#define hello "Hello World."
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	printf("This is a very long sentence we are handing down\n"\
		   "Mr smith, do you have anything to say for yourself"\
	printf("%s\n", hello);
	return 0;

This is the most obfuscated version of the C “Hello World” program that I could find.

#include <stdio.h>
#define e 3
#define g (e/e)
#define h ((g+e)/2)
#define f (e-g-h)
#define j (e*e-g)
#define k (j-h)
#define l(x) tab2[x]/h
#define m(n,a) ((n&(a))==(a))
long tab1[] = { 989L, 5L, 26L, 0L, 88319L, 123L, 0L, 9367L };
int tab2[] = { 4, 6, 10, 14, 22, 26, 34, 38, 46, 58, 62, 74, 82, 86 };
main(m1, s)
char *s;
	int a, b, c, d, o[k], n = (int)s;
	if (m1 == 1) {
		char b[2 * j + f - g];
		main(l(h + e) + h + e, b);
	} else
		switch (m1 -= h) {
		case f:
			a = (b = (c = (d = g) << g) << g) << g;
			return (m(n, a | c) | m(n, b) | m(n, a | d) |
				m(n, c | d));
		case h:
			for (a = f; a < j; ++a)
				if (tab1[a] && !(tab1[a] % ((long)l(n))))
					return (a);
		case g:
			if (n < h)
				return (g);
			if (n < j) {
				n -= g;
				c = 'D';
				o[f] = h;
				o[g] = f;
			} else {
				c = '\r' - '\b';
				n -= j - g;
				o[f] = o[g] = g;
			if ((b = n) >= e)
				for (b = g << g; b < n; ++b)
					o[b] = o[b - h] + o[b - g] + c;
			return (o[b - g] % n + k - h);
			if (m1 -= e)
				main(m1 - g + e + h, s + g);
				*(s + g) = f;
			for (*s = a = f; a < e;)
				*s = (*s << e) | main(h + a++, (char *)m1);

This is a program that writes to a text file. You are of course free to use this code in your own projects.

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