Posted: 1 October 2021. At: 5:34 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15468
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Windows 11 to increase game performance, but games are more and more memory hungry.

Windows 11 is coming out very soon and the support for games is improving. The Direct Storage technology will make loading large amounts of data faster. This will be suitable for games like Far Cry 6 that requires 16 Gigabytes of video RAM to load textures with a high-resolution texture pack. That is quite amazing. Games in future might require 64 Gigabytes of VRAM in a GPU to work. Software such as VBS Blue IG can model the whole planet and allow scenarios on any location on a 1:1 modelled planet Earth. I wish Arma 3 could be like that, but it is a glitchy outdated mess that runs badly on even modern PC hardware. But the new Enfusion engine being worked on by Bohemia Interactive should run better if it is fully multi-core capable and uses the GPU to the full extent to wring as much performance as possible out of the hardware. Making full use of VRAM and CPU cores is the key, as well as the GPU, all games should be able to run well on fairly decent hardware these days. If VBS 4 can run at a solid 60 FPS with a 12 KM view distance, then why is Arma 3 running so badly? Games are getting worse and worse as time goes on. AI programming is going the way of the Dodo bird. We need to bring back quality programming again.

What is VRAM?

VRAM stands for Video Random Access Memory. Each GPU requires VRAM to store images for rendering in video games. The VRAM on a graphics card is used to store textures for models, effects and environment maps. VRAM is needed for models and assets and is usually 4 Gigabytes on the latest cards and in the coming years, it can go up to 128 Gigabytes on the upcoming next-gen consoles. When VRAM is full, it is automatically stored on the main memory but that is very slow. VRAM is needed because the GPU needs to read and write memory to produce graphics on the screen. The more VRAM, the better the performance of your game and the more textures it can fit in memory. This in turn will allow a very texture intensive game to run on your PC. VBS Blue IG needs 64 Gigabytes of RAM to run and an RTX 2080 Ti graphics card, plus an SSD with 200 Gigabytes of free disk space. The server requires 2 terabytes of space on an SSD to store terrain data. That is why Direct Storage is so useful. DirectStorage, a DirectX 12 Ultimate API previously announced (and then launched) as part of the Xbox Series X/S consoles, is a high-speed feature of Windows 11 to take advantage of high-speed SSD drives, this will speed up the loading of data from a drive when loading a game that has a massive game world to texture.

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