Posted: 9 December 2021. At: 9:35 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15704
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Wi-Fi SENS will allow government agents to see through walls and determine your emotional state.

When 802.11bf will be finalized and introduced as an IEEE standard in September 2024, Wi-Fi will cease to be a communication-only standard and will legitimately become a full-fledged sensing paradigm, this means that using multiple Wi-FI antennas will allow the detection of people through walls by sensing the reflections of the Wi-Fi signals from their body parts. This could lead to a SWAT team being able to see suspect(s) through walls before a breach and be better prepared to deal with them. The P802.11bf standard is due to be completed by 2024 and will allow this functionality to allow wireless sensing. Apparently 60 GHz 80211 signals can be used to detect the movement of a person accurately and provide medical information to a doctor as well, this is quite invasive technology, but it could have useful applications as well.

Here is the amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard that includes all of the features that this new technology will offer, the Wi-Fi sensing would require multiple antennas but would work very well to allow the visualization of people through walls. The capability of visualizing a person sitting at a computer could be very useful, if this could provide hand sensing it could be worked into a VR system to enable full immersion, the 60 GHz frequency would be the best way to have smooth detection and animation of your body parts in the VR simulation. Gesture Recognition does require 60 GHz frequency, this will be used for VR, possibly for Metaverse immersion, but I am unsure of the health effects of such high-frequency radio waves at close proximity to a person.

Below is the link to the amendment, this is a very interesting read.

Some more information on the features of the new Wi-Fi SENS technology.

This is a concerning technology, but we will have to wait and see how it is used or abused.

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