Posted: 5 November 2021. At: 7:29 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15579
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Very useful MPV tips for playing movies. These are very useful tricks.

Very useful MPV tips and hotkeys

When playing a movie in MPV and you wish to inspect a certain scene, press the SPACE key to pause and then the < and > keys to move a frame at a time backwards or forwards to see a frame by frame analysis of the scene.

Press Shift-a to change the aspect ratio of the movie.

The 1 and 2 keys change the contrast of the movie, the 3 and 4 keys change the brightness.

Use the 5 and 6 keys to change the gamma.

The 7 and 8 keys change the saturation of the current video.

If you wish to have a movie playlist in MPV drag a folder into the MPV window and this will start a playlist of all movies in the folder.

The [ and ] keys change the playback speed of the movie. The Backspace key will reset the playback speed to normal. Use the 9 and 0 keys to change the playback volume.

Press Shift-Control-Backspace to set a marker in the file. Then you may seek around and then pressing Shift-Backspace will take you back to that point exactly.

It is possible to have MPV save your place in a movie when you exit the player. This is very easy.

Press “s” to save a screenshot of the video. This is very easy to do.

Z and X change the subtitle delay, this is useful if the current subtitle file is a little off and it needs tweaking. Press V to show and hide subtitles if a subtitle file is currently selected. The M key will mute the video until it is pressed again.

The L key will create a loop, press it once to start a loop and then press it again to set the endpoint. This will loop the selection over and over again. Press L again to clear the loop.

Use this simple tip and this will be set:

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