Posted: 3 January 2021. At: 6:44 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 14707
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Very useful Linux tips and tricks.

This command will capture a screenshot of the desktop and save it to the home directory.

jason@neo:~$ import -window root "$HOME/$(date '+%y%m%d_%T').png"

This is how to do this with the scrot utility.

jason@neo:~$ scrot Desktop-%H:%M:%S-%d-%m.jpg

Characters preceded by a ‘%’ are interpreted by strftime(2). See man strftime for examples. These options may be used to refer to the current date and time. This enables saving a date-stamped screenshot of your desktop.

Realplayer. This was cool in the 90s...
Realplayer. This was cool in the 90s…

To take a screenshot of a certain area of your desktop using the MATE desktop, use the Shift-PrintScr shortcut, this opens a dialog allowing you to select a part of your screen to save to the desktop.

Make all of the filenames of files in a folder lowercase.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ for i in $( ls | grep [A-Z] ); do mv -i $i `echo $i | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`; done

Count the lines of code in an open-source project.

Firstly, install the cloc utility.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents/systemd$ sudo apt install cloc

Then navigate into the directory containing the source code and we can know how much code is actually in this project.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents/systemd$ cloc src
    2064 text files.
    2050 unique files.                                          
     115 files ignored. v 1.82  T=2.80 s (696.3 files/s, 232571.8 lines/s)
Language                      files          blank        comment           code
C                              1095         122906          26314         424294
C/C++ Header                    783          11560          16773          42285
NAnt script                      35            558              0           4007
m4                                4             28              0            609
HTML                              1             87              3            457
Bourne Again Shell                4             51             31            282
Bourne Shell                     12             63             15            273
Python                            5             47             45            197
awk                               9              0              0             93
sed                               1              0              0              1
SUM:                           1949         135300          43181         472498

This is very useful for a curious Linux user or someone who is running an open-source project and wants to know how much code is actually in it.

Another very good way to search source trees for certain code.

Install the utility.

└──╼  ╼ $ sudo apt install ack

Then run it like this to easily search a source tree for certain strings.

└──╼  ╼ $ ack "16bit"
864:        // We only do the banner on 16bit color
161:                    //HACK - Need to simulate a button click on the CPL Dialog. Since it is a 16bit code, we 
30:    WORD        wAttrs;                 // FILE_ATTRIBUTES_* cliped to 16bits
105:    HINSTANCE   hinst;          // either a 16 or 32 bit HINSTANCE (fIs16bit)
117:        APPLET_PROC lpfnCPL32;      // minst.fIs16bit=FALSE
3538:    // NB WinFaxPro re-uses the same 16bit selector for all their
3541:    // send the 16bit handle through the thunk layer they get a
760:            BOOL f16bit = FALSE;
771:                f16bit = TRUE;
794:                    f16bit = TRUE;
809:                    f16bit = TRUE;
815:                    f16bit = FALSE;
822:                f16bit = FALSE;
834:                if (f16bit)
138:/* Returns the precision used (0 = 8bits, 1 = 16bits) for baseline checking */
1888:pcmpgtw	mm1, qword ptr [const_255]	// split the 16bit value across bit 8 (256)
34:// since many apps use 16bit ddeml windows to communicate with the shell

This would be another very useful utility for a programmer who has an open-source project to work on and needs to search for certain code.

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