Posted: 28 April 2022. At: 12:31 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16245
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Very nice Bash shell prompt I came up with.

This is a very nice bash shell prompt I came up with.

PS1="▩\[\033[38;5;33m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;79m\]\H\[$(tput sgr0)\]:\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;174m\]\w\[$(tput sgr0)\]\n┗╼╼╼╼> \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;82m\]\v\[$(tput sgr0)\] ┋► \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;36m\]\\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]"

This is what this prompt looks like in action. You can use many cool tricks when using a multi-line shell prompt.

┗╼╼╼╼> 5.0 ┋► $

This is another one I just made.

export PS1="▛\[\033[38;5;219m\]\H\[$(tput sgr0)\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;114m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\] (\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;201m\]\$?\[$(tput sgr0)\]) \n▙▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▟[\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;14m\]\w\[$(tput sgr0)\]] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;226m\]>\[$(tput sgr0)\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;7m\]\[\033[48;5;8m\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]"

And this is what it looks like.

▛jason-Lenovo-H50-55@jason (0) 
▙▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▗▟[~] > $

It is a lot of fun to come up with a nice shell prompt like this. Using special DOS line characters really helps them look great.

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