Posted: 8 September 2017. At: 11:15 AM. This was 7 years ago. Post ID: 11292
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Ubuntu 17.10 alpha with Gnome desktop released.

Ubuntu 17.10 Gnome desktop.
Ubuntu 17.10 Gnome desktop.

The new Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) distribution has been released. This comes with a Gnome desktop instead of the Unity environment.

Installing Ubuntu 17.10 in VMWare.
Installing Ubuntu 17.10 in VMWare.

The desktop environment in this looks just like Unity though. Where is the benefit of using a Gnome desktop if it looks exactly like Unity anyway?

This is how I set up Ubuntu 17.10 in VMWare. This installs the VMWare additions to allow copy-paste from the Ubuntu VMWare instance to my host machine.

sudo apt install open-vm-tools-desktop mc ipcalc ubuntu-restricted-extras

But I still can not set the resolution of the desktop with the Displays option in the control center.

Unable to set desktop resolution in Ubuntu with Wayland.
Unable to set desktop resolution in Ubuntu with Wayland.

This is not very promising. Even Windows XP would work better than this crap. Wayland still needs a lot of work before it is ready for the desktop. Maybe in 2103, it will be finished. I load up Ubuntu 17.04 and everything actually works. Display settings actually works, this is awesome.

Display settings works in Ubuntu 17.04.
Display settings works in Ubuntu 17.04.

That is why I do not like Wayland, this is too soon for it to be deployed to the main release of Ubuntu. Needs more testing. Ubuntu should have a separate development build that has these features before they are placed in the main build of Ubuntu upon release. That would allow testing of these features on various hardware. Why can they not do this?

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