Posted: 21 April 2013. At: 1:02 AM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 5617
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The OpenSUSE 12.3 installer still does not work very well for me.

I was just using an old iMac not long ago and I managed to get the kernel version and the output of the ps command. Here is the information below.

The output of the uname -a command.

Darwin users-Computer.local 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc

And the output of the ps axu command.

user     172   9.0  4.6    59744  15176  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:32.75 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resource
user     356   3.8  2.2    86252   7368  ??  S     4:16PM   0:03.71 /Applications/Utilities/ -psn_0_1179649
root     370   3.0  0.1    18100    332 std  R+    4:18PM   0:00.01 ps axu
user     342   0.7 15.3   149836  50244  ??  S     4:07PM   1:08.74 /Applications/ -psn_0_917505
root      84   0.0  0.7    31156   2240  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:01.99 /usr/sbin/configd
root      85   0.0  0.3    27888    928  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.33 /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd
root      90   0.0  0.1    18676    260  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.18 /usr/sbin/notifyd
root     114   0.0  0.1    27480    340  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.22 netinfod -s local
root     116   0.0  0.0    18056    116  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.61 update
root     119   0.0  0.0    18080    124  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.00 dynamic_pager -F /private/var/vm/swapfile
root     142   0.0  2.0    37868   6524  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:01.04 /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd
root     145   0.0  0.2    27752    680  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.18 /usr/sbin/distnoted
root     157   0.0  0.4    28900   1192  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.27 /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityServer -X
root     161   0.0  0.1    27612    184  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.01 cron
nobody   163   0.0  0.3    27972    832  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.16 /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder
root     167   0.0  0.0    27344    132  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.01 /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent
root      76   0.0  0.1    18092    212  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.12 /usr/sbin/syslogd -s -m 0
root     173   0.0  0.1    27336    396  ??  S     4:05PM   0:00.02 /usr/libexec/ioupsd
user     175   0.0  1.3    63432   4252  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:03.86 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/ATSServer
user     179   0.0  1.5    58812   4896  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:01.68 /System/Library/CoreServices/ console
root     190   0.0  0.9    32268   2932  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:01.12 /usr/sbin/DirectoryService
root     193   0.0  1.6    33360   5344  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:02.23 /usr/sbin/lookupd
root     236   0.0  0.1    27844    192  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/crashreporterd
root     255   0.0  0.2    28588    592  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.19 /usr/sbin/cupsd
root     257   0.0  0.0    20120    156  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
root     262   0.0  0.1    18320    336  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.10 ntpd -f /var/run/ntp.drift -p /var/run/
root     269   0.0  0.0    18120    144  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.01 rpc.lockd -w
root     281   0.0  0.4    29756   1196  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.31 /usr/sbin/automount -f -m /Network -nsl
root     285   0.0  0.3    28976    932  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.05 /usr/sbin/automount -f -m /automount/Servers -fstab -mnt /private/Network/Servers -m /automount/sta
user     286   0.0  0.6    45948   1836  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.80 /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs
root     307   0.0  0.0    18056    124  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.00 /usr/sbin/postfix-watch
user     311   0.0  0.8    70832   2480  ??  S     4:05PM   0:01.76 /System/Library/CoreServices/ -psn_0_393217
user     312   0.0  1.7    84140   5592  ??  S     4:05PM   0:07.32 /System/Library/CoreServices/ -psn_0_524289
user     313   0.0  3.4    97732  11184  ??  S     4:05PM   0:06.76 /System/Library/CoreServices/ -psn_0_655361
root       2   0.0  0.1    18608    204  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.19 /sbin/mach_init 
root     357   0.0  0.2    27540    516 std  Ss    4:16PM   0:00.05 login -pf user
user     358   0.0  0.2    18644    780 std  S     4:16PM   0:00.12 -bash
root      82   0.0  0.6    29120   1996  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:06.93 kextd
root       1   0.0  0.1    18072    308  ??  Ss    4:05PM   0:00.06 /sbin/init

The Apple interface being exactly the same as the new Unity interface is actually quite usable, although I do not like the Finder at all. The MATE menu is much better. Even in Gnome Shell where you press the Windows key and then type the name of what you are looking for. I have tried the OpenSUSE 12.3 installation again from a USB using the 4.7 Gigabyte DVD ISO on a USB drive and it still seems to freeze for a long time when it is searching for other Linux installations on my computer. I am not sure why this happens at all, but the Linux Mint 14 installation went without a flaw. Maybe they need to fix the Yast2 installer and then they will be on a winner. Getting back to the Macintosh file manager, here is a screenshot of this for you to look at: file manager. This is different from the Ubuntu file manager in that the applications are listed in it as well as files. That would be interesting to have in Ubuntu. You can install Xorg on Mac OSX with the Xquartz framework. This would be interesting; you could use something other than the default OSX interface.

OpenSUSE has the new Gnome Shell 3.8 desktop available in the respositories, but I cannot use it at all until the installer works on my machine. The OpenSUSE distribution used to be very good too. Now it is getting very buggy, with regards to fglrx drivers and the installer freezing. I will stick with Linux Mint then. This is a shame, but it does happen.

One thought on “The OpenSUSE 12.3 installer still does not work very well for me.

  1. openSUSE has some excellent support. Recommend you post your issue in the Technical Help Forums, login and click on the language of your choice at

    Be sure in your post to describe your setup in detail, eg whether you intend to multi-boot, other OS, maybe even your fstab.

    On general principles, I'd guess that you've pre-formatted your target partition. The installer works better if the partition is left unformatted and "free space."

    I don't install on Mac hardware, but I have seen postings from people who do so.

    openSUSE also offers you complete Desktop flexibility. Although you choose a Desktop of your choice, you can also easily install and run applications designed for KDE, LXDE, XFCE and of course Gnome.

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