Posted: 5 July 2022. At: 10:41 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16428
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The Internet is getting worse and worse.

A typical annoying ReCaptcha example.
A typical annoying ReCaptcha example.

The Internet is getting worse and worse. I was trying to use an archive site today and the site wanted me to use a ReCaptcha to authenticate before I could proceed. But the second part of the Captcha had no button to proceed with the process. This meant I could not use it at all. This is annoying indeed, you just copy code and paste it into a box, but is it possible a bot could be programmed to do this as well? I think it could. Sure Captcha is required in some cases, but there are other ways to get around spam like a hidden form element. Users get frustrated with the ReCaptcha problems when they are 6 characters and hard to make out. This is not the best solution. With the rise of AI and OCR tech, it should be possible to have a bot solve a ReCaptcha problem for you and bypass it very quickly. Then what will we use? There must be an alternative to the annoying solutions we have at present. On the horizon, there must be a solution that can beat Recaptcha and become the new best way to defeat spammers and bots.

A very annoying and unusable code captcha.
A very annoying and unusable code captcha.

Hopefully, anyway, this is getting very annoying. How much time do people waste filling out a Captcha form every day? This could be better spent doing other more productive things. There is some information here concerning the use of Python and Selenium to bypass a ReCaptcha challenge. This is very interesting to say the least.

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