Posted: 8 November 2021. At: 7:03 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15591
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Technology very important in this pandemic.

The Facebook Metaverse will change the Internet

In the current pandemic, it is very important that we use technology to stay in touch, the current fast Internet speeds we have can be used to video chat online. This is very useful for meetings amongst remote workers. The upcoming Facebook Metaverse will change remote working as well. This will allow 3D interaction with a 3D rendered avatar that represents you on an online 3D rendered world. Just like in the Snow Crash book this will enable the creation of a huge online world with many avatars going about their virtual business in a virtual world. This is Cyberpunk in 2021. I am sure it will be properly moderated to eliminate the possibility of abuse and cyberbullying. That is a big problem with modern technology these days. There was even a movie made about this. But this is Facebook, they will work something out. Even having administrators online to deal with any problems that crop up. Some sort of panic button that can summon an admin and the ability to nominate a trusted user as a group admin to run a certain Metaverse group. Very interesting indeed.

it is getting hard to buy new PC parts these days, the shortage of chips and the preponderance of Bitcoin mining has contributed to the shortage of fast GPU chips, I wanted to buy a new GPU, but it is hard to find one these days I went to a shop to have a look and it was closed and had a for lease sign in it. I will have to try and buy online, that should work fine I guess. I do not know what the future holds, but the Cyberpunk Blade Runner future might come true after all. Even with synthetic humans. Was Deckard a replicant though? He might have been, I think this was hinted at in the first movie. The metaverse could even have a huge planet, it is set on, just like in Snow Crash. Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 has the whole planet rendered and it runs very well. Although the buildings are low resolution, they will look fine when you are flying above them. So we could replicate the Metaverse easily, even the VR goggles. All we need are the public terminals to connect to it with low-res monochrome avatars to use. Then it would be just like the book, the only problem would be people that use it whilst driving and cause accidents.

If you had the goggles as described in the book that allowed the user to see through a narrow slot whilst also seeing the virtual world in the goggles, this would not prevent accidents though, idiots still use mobile phones whilst driving. This will get worse when they can jack into the Metaverse whilst driving and having a meeting. This will not end well. But I look forward to seeing the Youtube videos of the Metaverse when it comes to fruition. It will be very interesting to see. Will gaming in the Metaverse be a thing? Imagine Farmville in the 3D world. It would be like the South Park episode. That was very funny to watch. Do people even use Facebook anymore or has Discord taken over? And what will take over from Discord? Will Electron apps ever go away and be replaced by something else? That is a very good question. In the 90s we had Geocities which was rather like a social network, you set up a website and then joined a group of like-minded individuals to make a community.

And there were forums, but now we have Discord communities and they allow chat on a wide variety of subjects. forums are still used today, but most conversations use Discord which allows more instant chat on a subject. Even imageboards such as 4chan have boards related to gaming and therein they have certain general threads related to different games. And they allow discussion and posting of screenshots related to a certain game.

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