Posted: 30 January 2018. At: 1:45 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 11798
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Some very useful Powershell tricks.

Print the current date and time with Powershell.

"{0:dddd - hh:mm:ss - d/M/yy}" -f (get-date)

This is an example of what this will give you.

PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd - hh:mm:ss - d/M/yy}" -f (get-date)
Tuesday - 08:42:05 - 30/1/18

Get information about your operating system via the Powershell prompt.

PS C:\Users\jason> Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object  Caption, InstallDate, ServicePackMajo
rVersion, OSArchitecture, BootDevice,  BuildNumber, CSName | FL
Caption                 : Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
InstallDate             : 5/31/2017 09:02:33
ServicePackMajorVersion : 0
OSArchitecture          : 64-bit
BootDevice              : \Device\HarddiskVolume1
BuildNumber             : 9600
CSName                  : BLUFOR

Get a lot of information about your operating system with this command line.

PS C:\Users\Corporal Kerry> Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | FL *

Print the Windows version.

PS C:\Users\Corporal Kerry> Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | FL Caption
Caption : Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro

Get the amount of free hard disk space with Powershell.

PS C:\Users\Corporal Kerry> Get-WMIObject Win32_Logicaldisk -filter "deviceid='C:'"
DeviceID     : C:
DriveType    : 3
ProviderName :
FreeSpace    : 723164770304
Size         : 1000202039296
VolumeName   :

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