Posted: 16 April 2024. At: 3:45 PM. This was 3 months ago. Post ID: 19492
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky COOP is now a thing. Play Stalker in MP Cooperatively.

Clear Sky is a good Stalker game, but it may now be played cooperatively. This is amazing. This means that the quests may be completed with the help of 3 other players. That would be amazing to see in a Stalker game.

The trader Sidorovitch in the Cordon.
Sidorovitch in the Cordon.
Selecting a Stalker in the Clear Sky base.

Find this mod here:

This is an amazing achievement, making a cooperative game out of a single-player one, but this could prove to be very interesting. Does this mean two players could do a major story quest and the other 2 could do a side quest? That could work. I mean, in a challenging firefight, 2 players could attack head on and another 2 could flank and snipe from the side to help out. It would be most helpful in Jupiter Underground, this is a very challenging fight and if you could have 4 players doing it instead of 1 player and 3 other useless NPC characters, this might be more doable. In the main dome section with the snipers, 4 players really could make a difference. Although Jupiter Underground is not available in this mod, it would be very nice to be able to go through it with 4 players.

Available locations:

  • Swamps
  • Cordon
  • Dump
  • Research Institute “Agroprom”
  • Dungeons of the Research Institute “Agroprom,”
  • Dark Valley

Here is another interesting Stalker mod, this is an Unreal Engine 5 game that brings Stalker to VR.

It would be great to have an entire Stalker game made with Unreal Engine 5 and larger maps.

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