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Proximity Marketing ethics & considerations.

  1. Ethics and considerations for mobile Bluetooth marketing
  2. Privacy and ethics considerations for this project
  3. Copyright and ethics policies for small business

Ethics and considerations for mobile Bluetooth marketing

Bluetooth marketing is used to send messages and images to a mobile device that has Bluetooth functionality switched on. There are many considerations to take into account when deploying such an advertising venture. The International Mobile Marketing Business Network or IMMBN lays out a code of ethics (The International Mobile Marketing Business Network) that all members must abide by to remain a member. This is a perfect guide for any business that wants to implement marketing and needs to know the rules and regulations that govern advertising in this fashion.
One consideration to take into account is not pushing too much-unwanted advertising to potential customers. This will only make them angry and they will not be interested in what you are trying to say. Another consideration is the product being advertised. This means that you need to be mindful of the potential audience and not advertise something to them that would be inappropriate. There is an article that discusses this issue here: This E-Book lays out all of the considerations that must be taken into account when developing a Bluetooth marketing campaign.

One of the considerations of advertising in this fashion is the smaller screen size and processing power of a mobile device versus a modern PC. This means that advertising needs to be sized appropriately for a mobile device. Providing an incentive for a user to download an app that may promote special offers within a store could assist with customer loyalty. Users of smartphones like to download and install an app if there is a good incentive to do so. Receiving information about special offers is a good way to get the customer to come back to the store and spend their money.

Privacy and ethics considerations for this project

The considerations you must apply to this project include the need for security of customer data, this is the information that is taken from the person`s mobile device. This must be protected to ensure that the people taking part in this have the peace of mind that their data will not be shared with third parties. There must be a clearly written document available to customers explaining how the data collected will be used and procedures for data sharing if it is disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes.
This is a legal document and must be drawn up with the appropriate advice. There are legal practitioners that will perform this service for a fee. (Legal Advice on Commercial Terms and Conditions., 2014).

  • The analytics that is run to gather information must be used with the consideration for the security of the data.
  • The data that is given to third parties for marketing purposes must be given within the terms and conditions expressed in the fine print for this project.
  • Bluetooth tracking must be used ethically to gather user information.
  • Do not force users to open content, give them the choice to download and view video or PDF content.

The type of project that we are planning with this business is one that requires care when dealing with customer data. This data must be protected from misuse. Theft and dissemination of data taken from mobile devices have been in the news a lot lately, therefore the business does not want to be in the news for the same reason. We must have a set of rules that is made available to the employees associated with this project that define the boundaries of data use according to Bluetooth marketing.

Data must only be used for direct marketing purposes as outlined in the terms and services that are made available to the customers upon request.

Data sent to the customer`s mobile device must not be of an offensive nature. And must not be too obtrusive.

Do not take the approach of carpet-bombing customers with unwanted messages. This will not drive sales and will actually have quite the opposite effect.

Do not place a lot of weak Bluetooth transmitters in a location where two more powerful transmitters would do the job.

Ensure that the technology you choose is up to date. Outdated technology would make the campaign unsuccessful, the data transmitted would not be compatible with the client’s mobile devices and this would cause frustration for the customers.
Place the transmitters in a location such as a coffee shop or a shopping mall where there are a lot of potential customers that would be interested in your message.

A marketing campaign that is convincing and interesting enough is critical to getting customers involved in your message. You must get them interested in opening your message and reading the content. Then you can get many people interested in the message of your campaign.

The data transmitted over the connection must be within copyright and authorized to be broadcast in this fashion.

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