Posted: 16 October 2018. At: 10:33 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12584
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Politicians still talking about banning encryption on the Internet.

Politicians are still talking about banning encryption on the Internet, this will allow them to monitor all communications that would otherwise be unreadable due to the encryption used, whether SSL or GPG encryption, but SSL is necessary for securing banking sites, validating a website so that the user knows that they are actually connecting to the website they expect that they are connecting to. That is critical in the modern age, with cybersecurity more important than ever before. Encryption is free and open. Open source solutions like GPG allow a user to create a 4096 bit key, that is extremely secure. Messaging apps use encryption to protect user information, this is expected of them. And a user would not want to use a website that has expired or insecure certs. Free services like Cloudlflare offer basic SSL certificates that are simple to install. They generate a private and public key and they are easily installed on a web server, if you have Cpanel running, this will help you out. But we need secure Internet connections to websites these days, eCommerce would not run properly without it. Not to mention share trading websites that use secure SSL connections to protect valuable user information.

Would an Instagram user use the app if it was not secured with an SSL key? The stock price and user trust depends on a secure connection between an iPhone and the Instagram website to post images securely. That is what a user expects in 2018. Using online banking and trading requires secure communications. There are other secure communication methods such as TOR and Freenet. These would also allow secure communications, but TOR depends upon the end node you are using, it could be possible to compromise the network and listen in on messages sent via the TOR network. Apple Corporation is one company opposing the encryption bill. Also Facebook, which uses secure SSL to connect messenger and the Facebook app to the Facebook website are also opposing this bill. If an ISP is forced to install spyware on their service to monitor users and bypass encryption, then a cyber-criminal can use this to steal banking information and a user would lose a lot of money, this would deal a massive blow to the ISP, as user trust would be zero and they would go out of business. That would be one possible outcome from this whole debacle. A loss of trust overall.

Malcom Turnbull has said either we have an insecure Internet, or we do not have an Internet at all. This doe not make any sense, criminals will just use other tools to communicate securely, this will not affect them at all. That is the sad reality of this whole thing, they will not be affected. There would be plenty of open-source solutions to privacy. There are a lot of alternatives to the well known TOR bundle for secure communication.

1 – FreeNet. FreeNet is among the best Tor alternatives and is packed with both OpenNet and Darknet technologies. …
2 – I2P. Just like Tor, I2P – Invisible Internet Project – also utilizes DarkNet technology. …
4 – IprediaOS. …
5 – Globus. …
6 – Whonix. …
7 – Comodo Ice Dragon. …
8 – Disconnect. …
9 – Subgraph OS.

Those are just a few of them, they cannot all be banned. Read the full listing here: I have to wonder, will this include a website that has an SSL certificate to secure communications between a user and the site? This is essential for user trust as I have said. You cannot use a banking website without a secure SSL connection to ensure your data is safe, and that you are connected securely to the right website. That is the point of an SSL key, it secures your connection and also validates the website for visitors.

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