Posted: 26 September 2018. At: 11:30 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12497
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Other reasons Linux is better than Windows.

Linux is better than Windows for the following reasons. You can install updates in one go, and then they are installed, the user is not disturbed by an update prompt in the middle of whatever they were doing. That is what Windows 10 does, it updates and reboots without warning, as the developers are morons and cannot program a proper system to handle updates to save themselves. That is the actual state of Windows in 2018. Why not just download updates whilst the computer is running, then install and configure them when shutting down? Then the computer will switch off? That is why running Windows 10 is a bad idea. Unless the installation is in a virtual machine. A qemu VM is very fast and a great way to run Windows in a window on a Linux desktop. Read this post, there is a nice script to load qemu in the correct mode to run Windows. It runs very well with that setup, and networking will work as well. This runs Windows 10 Enterprise pretty well. Better than running it on bare metal hardware. But seriously, Windows 10 updating and then rebooting with no warning is really bad, what if the computer user was busy?

They go to the toilet, come back and their machine is restarting in the middle of their work? And they had not saved it? Or you are a pro gamer Twitch streamer and you get punked by Windows mid-stream.

That is very funny, he just got kicked out of the game, while he was getting a good killstreak. But this is not professional behavior from a supposedly mature operating system. Another good feature of Linux vs Windows is that Linux has a good development toolchain that may be installed easily, and makes writing programs easy. The gcc, gcj and other compilers on Linux are used to build new kernels and are perfect for the development of new open-source projects. Linux distributions also have a wealth of window managers and desktop environments such as KDE and Gnome. MATE is a new one, a fork of Gnome and well worth using for the resemblance to the Gnome 2 desktop of old. This was initially released in 2011, and has gone on to power the Ubuntu MATE distribution and is available in many other Linux distros. I like running it for the awesome file manager, Caja. That is a very straightforward file manager and makes it easy to mount drives.

That sounds like a simple thing, but it is very important. I cannot find a way to do this with the KDE file manager in the Trinity desktop. I am too used to the Caja way of doing things. It would be nice to have a system tray icon that would allow unmounting drives just like in Windows 8. It would be very helpful. Is there even a proper Windows clone UI for Linux? Even a Windows 10 clone desktop that makes Linux look exactly like Windows 10? That would be awesome. Another feature of Linux vs Windows, considering the plethora of desktop environments available, is the amount of themes that can be installed. The MATE desktop may be themed to look just like Mac OSX or Windows 7. That makes it very flexible. And the panels may be moved and resized to any configuration. Would be nice if you could have a thin top panel that showed the applications menu as well as the menus of the currently focused window like Mac OSX.

That would be another killer feature. I think KDE used to be able to do that.

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