Posted: 8 January 2021. At: 10:08 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 14842
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Nissan source code leaked due to a mis-configured GIT repository.

The source of numerous Nissan products has been leaked to the Internet due to an improperly configured GIT repository. The login details were admin:admin. That is how useless the incompetent IT staff are. Now countless people are downloading the torrent and looking through all of the files. This is why you have properly trained IT staff who are actually trained to understand security and the use of proper passwords. But this is irreversible. Now that the files are out on the Internet, they are not going anywhere. The same as the Intel and Microsoft leaks. But I guess, they could be very useful to someone who wants to know how the car really works and become a master Nissan mechanic. This is why Information Security is very important in this modern age. But not everyone cares about this. But you can download cool stuff so why would it matter? It is not like copyrighted material matters at all. I hope the person responsible for this leak is fired, they are a moron. The Github was taken down after the revelation, but the damage has already been done. The files are all over the place and they will not magically vanish either. So please ensure your IT staff are properly trained in Information Security and know how to properly run a Github repository.

Such incompetence is not uncommon. This is how the Intel and Microsoft leaks happened. Although we got to use some cool Intel utilities and got some very nice Intel documents to read. Does this mean that all Nissan software has to be rewritten from the ground up after the release of the files? I guess so, but if Nissan had to recall every single car to replace the code in the computers, it would be very embarrassing.

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