Posted: 16 April 2022. At: 5:25 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16184
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Newly released Pentagon documents discuss antigravity and alien technology.

Newly released Pentagon documents have revealed alien technology and how to harness anti-gravity technology to allow fast space travel using a sort of warp bubble. This involves the creation of a bubble of empty space, a vacuum within a vacuum and this sucks the ship along through space at superluminal speeds. This means we could reach Alpha Centauri in no time at all. 4 and a half light-years would be nothing at warp 3. Then the Vulcans would notice the warp signature and land for first contact in Montana. April 5th 2063. This is the date of First Contact and this could happen. Unless the Ferengi get to us first. We have Gold but no Latinum. Maybe the Romulans will help us out. Here is a sample document, this concerns a new propulsion methodology. Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion. This creates some kind of fusion plasma to propel a spacecraft through space. We have already made Mach 12 cruise planes as concepts, but this could work in practice with a Scramjet or Ramjet engine that would work at hypersonic speeds.

I have uploaded all of the documents on this page: These are very interesting to read.

This is an amazing reveal. Comprehensive documents about space travel and previously classified information. Are we gonna get better technology soon? I hope so. I would love to see an anti-gravity craft in practice. The FDL-7 C/D looks like the Northrop F-117 in the shape of the fuselage but is larger. Crafts have been tested stable up to Mach 22. But you could only reach that speed in a very high atmosphere due to heating from drag. But imagine flying around the world at that speed. I can not imagine flying at Mach 22. There is even a document about Warp Drive and Dark Energy that discusses the manipulation of other dimensions. This stuff is crazy. This is using previously unknown Dark Energy to manipulate space-time to create a warp bubble and allow travel to faraway planets like Uranus in a few hours. Because if you use a black hole to fold space you end up in Hell and horrifying things happen. Just like in Event Horizon. That was not good. Unless you have an Astropath and a Gellar field protecting you. But Warp Drive would be safer to use than folding space anyway. Warp Drive does not violate the laws of special relativity as it is a self-contained bubble of space-time.

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