Posted: 27 May 2013. At: 10:59 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 5758
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New Windows 8 GTK theme available for Linux. This comes with a Metacity theme as well.

Nice Windows 8 theme for Linux

This is a theme for GTK 3.0 that allows you to theme Unity or MATE to look like Windows 8. Sure the Windows 8 and Server 2012 interfaces are ugly; but it is kind of cool to theme Unity and MATE to resemble Windows 8. This theme also comes with a couple of cursor themes as well as an Openbox theme. Below are the files that are included. Make up your own mind about the look of the theme; despite the low rating on the website; this theme is actually not bad at all.

john@adeptus-mechanicus ~/.themes $ ls -hula Windows8/
total 44K
drwxrwxr-x  10 john john 4.0K  27-05-13 10:42 pm .
drwx------ 103 john john 4.0K  27-05-13 10:31 pm ..
drwxr-xr-x   3 john john 4.0K  27-05-13 10:42 pm Modern-Fairy
drwx------   3 john john 4.0K  01-01-70 10:00 am gnome-shell
drwx------  23 john john 4.0K  01-01-70 10:00 am gtk-2.0
drwx------   3 john john 4.0K  01-01-70 10:00 am gtk-3.0
-rw-------   1 john john  381  01-01-70 10:00 am index.theme
drwxr-xr-x   2 john john 4.0K  01-01-70 10:00 am metacity-1
drwx------   2 john john 4.0K  01-01-70 10:00 am openbox-3
drwx------   2 john john 4.0K  01-01-70 10:00 am unity
drwxr-xr-x   3 john john 4.0K  27-05-13 10:42 pm win8

Below is what this theme looks like on the MATE desktop. This is a screenshot of the Caja file manager and the Windows 8 theme. This is using the Buuf 3.6 icon theme. Not bad is it. What do you think of this theme?

Caja themed with the Windows 8 look.
Caja themed with the Windows 8 look.

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