Posted: 17 August 2013. At: 3:54 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 6136
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New Ubuntu Edge mobile phone is most funded project on Indiegogo. This is very good news.

The Ubuntu Edge mobile phone powered by Ubuntu is now the most backed project on Indiegogo with over 10 million dollars in total already pledged for this project. The idea of a mobile phone powered by Ubuntu is a strange one; but a very popular idea it seems. Everyone who has backed this project is helping the progression of Linux into the mobile market. There is Android; which is backed by Goolgle, this uses a Linux kernel; but the Ubuntu Edge phone as the name implies runs Ubuntu and that is even cooler. Using the Unity desktop that will scale automatically from a desktop monitor to a mobile phone screen is the coolest thing ever. That is what Linux needs to become even more popular on the world stage. The phone when released should be one very popular mobile device. This device will have 4 Gigabytes of RAM; 128 Gigabytes of internal storage and will have the ability to dual-boot with the Android operating system and also operate as a full desktop PC. Not to mention stereo speakers and a 720*1280 resolution screen. Like the new iPhone; this mobile telephone will use a Micro Sim; and the ability to connect to a desktop screen using HDMI. I am assuming this is mini HDMI; this would require an adapter; but the ability to carry a whole computer around in your pocket is amazing.

The Ubuntu Edge will of course feature GPS and an accelerometer. This will make the Edge phone very useful when navigating around a strange town.

Read more about this exciting project here:

One thought on “New Ubuntu Edge mobile phone is most funded project on Indiegogo. This is very good news.

  1. Ola! John,
    Thanks for the above My modem is similar to a mobile phone modem,I am using dialup connection, I need a Ubuntu driver for my modem. From where I can download it?
    Lonnie Gibson

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