Posted: 26 July 2012. At: 7:58 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 4321
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New look Nautilus file-manager in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal.

Ubuntu 12.10 Nautilus file manager. The all new look.
Ubuntu 12.10 Nautilus file manager. The all new look.

Ubuntu 12.10 Nautilus file manager. The all new look. Do you like this look or not? I just installed the latest Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal ISO and this is the all new look of the Nautilus file manager. Ubuntu 12.10 is quite impressive, I installed the distribution from the Live CD by running ubiquity –no-bootloader and not ticking the boxes for the installation of updates and multimedia plugins during installation and the installation to a SATA II drive was done in record time. This is an improvement on previous Ubuntu releases and shows that Canonical are working hard on making Ubuntu even better. I actually like the new Nautilus layout, it is still usable and that is what counts in the end. I chose not to install the boot-loader as I already have Linux Mint 13 installed and I can load Mint after installation and run sudo update-grub to add Ubuntu.

Below I have included the ubiquity options. When you are running ubiquity on the Ubuntu Live CD, you do not need to use the sudo command to run it.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --help
Usage: ubiquity [options] [frontend]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           debug mode (warning: passwords will be logged!)
  --pdb                 drop into Python debugger on a crash
  --cdebconf            use cdebconf instead of debconf (experimental)
  --automatic           do not ignore the "seen" flag (useful for unattended
  --only                tell the application that it is the only desktop
                        program running so that it can customize its UI to
                        better suit a minimal environment.
  -q, --query           find out which frontend will be used by default
  -g, --greeter         allow the user to leave the installer and enter a live
                        desktop (for the initial boot).
  -b, --no-bootloader   Do not install a bootloader.
  --ldtp                Name widgets in ATK by their GtkBuilder names, to
                        support LDTP testing.
                        Enable LVM in the automatic partitioner.
  --no-webcam           Disable the webcam page.

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