Posted: 11 August 2021. At: 6:46 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15311
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New Jxl image format to take over the Internet.

The new successor to the jpeg image format is called jxl, this allows much higher compression than Jpeg and would be awesome for websites with a lot of images. I found a nice resolution png image and I converted it to webp. This gave me a 55 kilobyte image, compressed from a 1.5 Megabyte png image.

Then, the original Png image was converted to a Jxl format image. This is 44 kilobytes. The original Png image was 1.5 Megabytes. This will not show in Firefox yet, there is an option in Chromium to enable experimental Jxl support, this allows viewing the image.

The image below is 55 kilobytes, this is in webp format. If your browser supports the Jxl format, you will see that image instead. It is 44 kilobytes.

Webp Fallback picture for JPEG XL format

Load chrome://flags/#enable-jxl in the browser’s address bar. Then enable the experiment to turn on jxl support.

I used this command to convert the png image into jxl.

└──╼  ╼ $ cjxl padd.png -q 43 -e 9 padd.jxl

Install the reference software from this Git page using the supplied instructions and you may use the conversion software to convert a file to jxl.

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