Posted: 29 November 2016. At: 8:02 AM. This was 8 years ago. Post ID: 9992
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Nef Quintero. The worlds most dangerous hacker.

Nef Quintero. The worlds most dangerous hacker.
Nef Quintero. The worlds most dangerous hacker.

This is Nef Quintero. The worlds most dangerous hacker. He can hack the Pentagon whilst being pleasured by Angelina Jolie and not break a sweat. This guy is a legend. He is dangerous and talented. 4chan remember him as the guy who boasts of being able to change a HDD in a computer, which only the most talented 1% of computer users should ever attempt according to him. I can change a HDD though and I am not Nef. But I have done computing since the TRS-80 and I can manage it fine. Even after being exposed as a fraud he keeps on going. I hope he does not hack my website for this post. He is racist and abusive towards minorities and claims that fixing computers is better than sex with his girlfriend, that is where I draw the line, right there. he even knows how to code in binary. He must be a computer genius to rival Turing and Linux Torvalds. You would not want to be 4chan if he got upset and cracked into their website and changed the content. And he could do that easily too.

But if he is such a computer genius, why does he use Apple products? Android is much better, there is an actual Linux terminal application for Android that allows a user to have a command line with installable packages on the move. And using Ubuntu or Debian is better than Apple OSX any day. With Linux, updating the kernel is easily done by downloading the source tarball and extracting and compiling the source code to build an updated kernel image. That is fun too. At least with Linux when installing updates, you actually know what is being installed on your system. And there are dedicated Linux distributions such as Smoothwall that can perform the task of firewalling your network on a PC that intercepts network traffic meant for your internal network. I wonder if Nef has a website, I have his Facebook, but I cannot find his actual website, surely someone as intelligent as him can setup a website using PHP.

But he is just an idiot that gives actual hackers, i.e penetration testers and software/hardware tinkerers a bad name, I wonder what he actually can do. Or what he is up to now. He is like that kid that threatened to hack 4chan. Here is the video. This is the funniest video ever. This is how you get attention, you become a character and post funny videos and get heaps of views. People confuse hacking due to shows like Numb3rs and CSI::Cyber. These shows are moronic. Just like the new McGyver TV show. Nowhere near as good as the original series with the guy from Stargate SG1. That show was actually watchable and you learned something from watching it too. Nef Quintero equates changing a HDD in a laptop with hardcore computer hacking.

Hollywood movies always show the dumbest hacking scenes though. Other than the Matrix and TRON Legacy, hacking in TV and movies is not accurate. The Matrix at least used a CRC-32 vulnerability in SSH. She scanned a server with Nmap and noticed it had SSH running, which is used for administering computers remotely. She then uses sshnuke, which is a program that exploits SSH and resets the root password that she sets (Z1ON0101). Then she logs in as root using that password. Then once she’s in, she just executes a command that disables the grid nodes. This is a realistic scenario for gaining access to a remote machine over a network.

Logic bomb. This will make your computer explode.
Logic bomb. This will make your computer explode.

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