Posted: 6 August 2012. At: 10:22 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 4385
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NASA Curiosity Rover has successfully landed on the surface of Mars. This is another incredible achievement.

A Phobos base. Could this happen in the future?
A Phobos base. Could this happen in the future?

The Curiosity rover has successfully landed on the surface of Mars, this is another successful landing for NASA, exploring the Red Planet and bringing to light more of the secrets held by Mars. Life could have existed on the surface of the planet long ago, but the change of the climate has killed off any life, now anything living on the planet would be underground. This eagerly anticipated mission was the cause of frayed nerves at mission control, but with this success, we can look forward to the release of many more photographs of the surface of the Red Planet. There are so many awesome sights out in the depths of space that we can not afford to waste money on the endless war instead of putting a few billion on a mission out into space. We have developed so many technological advances due to the space program; and not just Tang, but many others as well.

Star Trek crew and the other Enterprise.
Star Trek crew and the other Enterprise.

That is why we watch Star Trek and Stargate Universe, we dream of going into space and seeing the sights out there first hand, if we are stuck on this rock for the rest of our existence, we will be crushed under the weight of 13 billion Human beings and we would need to take drastic measures to reduce the population. Broadening our knowledge of the cosmos will result in many new discoveries that will help explain the Universe as a whole. The fact that there are giant structures in space swallowing whole galactic clusters means that the fabric of space-time itself could have holes and this could mean that there could be holes in our Universe that is leaking into another more dense Universe of massive gravity, either that or another possibility, giant clusters of Dark Matter that are sucking in all matter around them like a Black Hole, but on a larger scale altogether. That is not something we would want to approach. Like a Black Hole itself. That has such immense gravity that not even light can escape.

But getting back to Mars, the Tharsis bulge and the 29,000 meter tall Olympus Mons volcano would be an awesome climb, once the space-suited climbers have reached the top of this incredible mountain, they would have an even grander view than from the top of Mount Everest, (8848 meters). Sir Edmund Hillary would be envious but admiring of the first crew to reach the top of this massive mountain. The rover is due to climb a tall mountain; but nothing like the massive Tharsis mountains, but this is a huge climb for the brave little rover. Carl Sagan would be proud. With the successful launch of the Space X private spacecraft to the International Space Station, private enterprise is set to lend a hand with any future missions. India are planning to land a rover on the Moon in 2014, this is an incredible step, as I have said before, this would provide conclusive proof of the Moon landings to shut up the conspiracy theorists that maintain the landings were faked.

We did go to the Moon and we will go to Mars eventually, the flag was waving due to the fact that the residual vibration set into the pole by the Astronauts handling it made the fabric flag wave. The footprints look the way they do due to the superfine dust that coats the Moon`s surface. And the escape module that blasted off into space did not require a very powerful engine to take off in 1 sixth of the gravity of the Earth. Same with the landing, the engine needed to slow the lander did not need to be super powerful to slow down the craft in the light gravity. A Mars landing in 1 third of the gravity of the Earth would be more risky in the thin atmosphere, but it is doable. Mars is a very popular planet in fiction, the movie Mission To Mars, gave one explanation for the possibility of ancient life on the planet. That is a possibility, but it would have been a very long time ago.

The first photograph from the Curiosity rover.
The first photograph from the Curiosity rover.

Read more here: [New York Times website.]

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