Posted: 25 March 2020. At: 10:49 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14179
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List all SCSI hard disks in your Linux system.

This command will list all installed hard disks in your system. This is using the -S parameter to only list SCSI devices.

𒅑     4.4 Mon Mar 23 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ lsblk -n -S
sda  0:0:0:0    disk Seagate  Expansion Desk   0911 usb
sdb  1:0:0:0    disk ATA      ST3500418AS      CC38 sata
sdc  3:0:0:0    disk ATA      ST3360320AS      N    sata
sdd  4:0:0:0    disk ATA      WDC WDS240G2G0A- 0000 sata
sde  5:0:0:0    disk ATA      WDC WD10EZEX-22M 1A01 sata
sdf  6:0:0:0    disk ATA      WDC WD10EZEX-00W 1A01 sata

A very useful way to list all installed physical hard disk drives on your computer.

List hard drive partitions that have a certain filesystem, in this case, ext4.

     4.4 Wed Mar 25 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ df -Hla --type=ext4
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/fedora-root  246G  187G   47G  81% /
/dev/sdb6                 23G   47M   21G   1% /media/jason/2253b90a-2608-4939-917d-85e1dbcbeebb
/dev/sdb3                 34G  2.1G   31G   7% /media/jason/7ebd3547-7d2b-4d58-a52b-4f7968d14050

This is how to list all NTFS filesystems like mounted Windows drives and external backup drives.

𒅑     4.4 Wed Mar 25 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ df -Hla --type=fuseblk
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2       3.1T  458G  2.6T  16% /media/jason/Seagate Expansion Drive
/dev/sdb4       235G  173G   63G  74% /media/jason/My Stuff
/dev/sdf1       1.1T  602G  399G  61% /media/jason/4C1E66AD1E66902E2

List all filesystems like this. This shows you what the filesystem type is for each drive.

𒅑     4.4 Wed Mar 25 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ df -Hla -T | grep "/dev/sd*"
tmpfs                   tmpfs            6.3G  113M  6.2G   2% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2               fuseblk          3.1T  458G  2.6T  16% /media/jason/Seagate Expansion Drive
/dev/sdb6               ext4              23G   47M   21G   1% /media/jason/2253b90a-2608-4939-917d-85e1dbcbeebb
/dev/sdb4               fuseblk          235G  173G   63G  74% /media/jason/My Stuff
/dev/sdf1               fuseblk          1.1T  602G  399G  61% /media/jason/4C1E66AD1E66902E2
/dev/sdb3               ext4              34G  2.1G   31G   7% /media/jason/7ebd3547-7d2b-4d58-a52b-4f7968d14050

These tips should be very helpful when a user wants to know what drives and filesystems are in a Linux machine. Linux is very flexible. There are so many different ways to find out this information.

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