Posted: 18 March 2020. At: 10:33 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14168
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Internet infrastructure needs to be upgraded in the wake of the Corona virus pandemic.

The Internet infrastructure in Australia is lagging behind the rest of the world. Due to a multiplicity of problems with the Internet, it will be under greater strain due to the multitude of workers choosing to stay at home and work from there. Instead of working in a closed building with others, the work could be done remotely instead. But this necessitates faster Internet connections to allow telecommuting to work. Due to the monopoly of Rupert Murdoch, and Foxtel, the Internet speeds have been restricted in Australia, and now that we need faster Internet connections, we may not have it. Australia should have at least 100 megabits per second. I just tried Speedtest and I got 39 megabits per second. Not bad, but it could be much faster if we had fiber to the premises everywhere. Sadly, this is not the case, it is copper wire to a box in the street, then fiber from this to the exchange. Australia is ranked 50th in the world for Internet speeds, countries like Taiwan and Singapore have 70 – 80 MBs Internet speeds, far above Australia. We need to change this. Just because Internet speeds are very high does not mean everyone will start streaming sport instead of paying to watch it in Foxtel.

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There will still be Foxtel subscribers. The Sports HD bundle on Foxtel is $74.00 per month, with a minimum cost of $359.00 over the term of the contract. So Foxtel could still show exclusive sport and then still profit while other shows are streamed online. This makes perfect sense, Rupert Murdoch could still profit from Foxtel and have enough money while allowing us faster Internet to enable telecommuting to replace riding on a train for ages to get to work and then being crammed in a building with others that are coughing all the time. Working from home should be more of a reality in the modern age. The technology exists to make this a reality. We just need to get it working. If Australia goes into lockdown mode, what will happen then? How will they recompense workers that are not able to get to work and are forced to stay at home? This is crazy. This is why we need remote access over the Internet to allow those stuck at home to still access their workplace. A secure VPN connection would still allow secure access to a workplace`s IT infrastructure from home. With a very strong passphrase and secure configuration, this is ideal.

This would protect user data from snooping. An ideal configuration that is good for a VPN is to configure it on port 443, then the data stream is mixed in with all of the other SSL traffic and it is harder to spot. And you can create a free VPN using OpenVPN on Linux. There is a nice script available to ease the setup of OpenVPN on Linux. This can make the process a lot faster. Read more here: Amazon WAS would allow hassle-free and cheap setup of a server to allow secure connections over the aforementioned VPN. Using port 443 instead of the default port makes sense as well. This still works fine. SSH can be blocked, as you can access SSH through the VPN tunnel anyway. So give this a go. And Amazon have cheap plans to boot.

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