Posted: 20 March 2024. At: 10:11 AM. This was 4 months ago. Post ID: 19392
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Installing and using Powershell on Alma Linux is very easy.

I just installed Powershell on Linux, this was very easy, using a provided RPM file.

This is Powershell version 7.4.1:

(jcartwright@2403-4800-25af-b00--2) Downloads  $ su
[root@2403-4800-25af-b00--2 Downloads]# rpm -ivh powershell-7.4.1-1.rh.x86_64.rpm 
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:powershell-7.4.1-1.rh            ################################# [100%]

This is very simple. Then I could easily run Powershell and print the Powershell version.

(jcartwright@2403-4800-25af-b00--2) Downloads  $ pwsh
PowerShell 7.4.1
PS /home/jcartwright/Downloads> get-host

Name             : ConsoleHost
Version          : 7.4.1
InstanceId       : 4e2b06f9-2e66-41e7-ba1e-7454433c9bd7
UI               : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
CurrentCulture   : 
CurrentUICulture : 
PrivateData      : Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost+ConsoleColorProxy
DebuggerEnabled  : True
IsRunspacePushed : False
Runspace         : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace

This can print the clipboard very easily and would be very useful for running Windows Powershell scripts on Linux.

PS /home/jcartwright/Downloads> Get-Clipboard
<pre>(<font color="#FF00D7"><b>jcartwright</b></font>@<font color="#5FAFD7"><b>2403-4800-25af-b00--2</b></font>) <font color="#FFD700"><b> Downloads </b></font><span style="text-decoration-line:overline"><font color="#8787FF"><b> $ </b></font></span>pwsh
PowerShell 7.4.1
PS /home/jcartwright/Downloads&gt; <font color="#FFFF55">get-host</font>

<font color="#00AA00"><b>Name             : </b></font>ConsoleHost
<font color="#00AA00"><b>Version          : </b></font>7.4.1
<font color="#00AA00"><b>InstanceId       : </b></font>4e2b06f9-2e66-41e7-ba1e-7454433c9bd7
<font color="#00AA00"><b>UI               : </b></font>System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
<font color="#00AA00"><b>CurrentCulture   : </b></font>
<font color="#00AA00"><b>CurrentUICulture : </b></font>
<font color="#00AA00"><b>PrivateData      : </b></font>Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost+ConsoleColorProxy
<font color="#00AA00"><b>DebuggerEnabled  : </b></font>True
<font color="#00AA00"><b>IsRunspacePushed : </b></font>False
<font color="#00AA00"><b>Runspace         : </b></font>System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace</pre>

This can even print the uptime of your machine.

PS /home/jcartwright/Desktop> Get-Uptime  

Days              : 0
Hours             : 2
Minutes           : 24
Seconds           : 46
Milliseconds      : 0
Ticks             : 86860000000
TotalDays         : 0.100532407407407
TotalHours        : 2.41277777777778
TotalMinutes      : 144.766666666667
TotalSeconds      : 8686
TotalMilliseconds : 8686000

Powershell may be used for web scraping as well. This is very useful for extracting data from a website.

PS /home/jcartwright/Desktop> ([regex]::Matches((Invoke-RestMethod ""), '(?<=data-tgev-container="feed-1">).*?(?=</a>)') | ForEach-Object { $_.Value })
‘Reason for living’: Mum mourns lawyer found dead on Sydney street
Fresh detail revealed in hiring of top cop’s new spin doctor
Claims brumbies left to die in ‘botched killing spree’
Only $1000 to go: PM’s power failure as bills keep rising
Missing billions: GST carve up costing NSW 10,000 cops, nurses
Rates Stay Steady 20/03/2024
Daily Telegraph &#8211; News Feed
New home builds hit record low
$850k bill to clean up immigration detainee disaster
SENSITIVE: Brumbies aerial culled at Kosciuszko National Park
Realtor accidentally burns down home
Mother drowns rescuing daughter in south coast beach tragedy
Pressure on Karen Webb over new media chief
Senior MP quizzed as TikTok habits spark security fears
Trump&#8217;s problem with cash
‘$25k is all you need to buy a home’
Tiny schoolgirl speedster Waiaria Ellis creates footy history
Bye-bye boogie: Mystery surrounds beloved Byron nightclub’s shock closure
Man critical as neighbours’ dog row ends in alleged hit-and-run
The terrifying day Chopper Read nearly ‘ended me’
Massive rent-only apartment complex opens in city’s west
Flooded and dudded: more migrants, less GST bucks for NSW
‘Blame game’ over NSW top cop’s new spin doctor
40 flee unit complex after e-bike battery blaze
Labor boots security bosses from key intelligence body

Another example. This is selecting certain HTML tags to extract the data from between them.

PS /home/jcartwright/Desktop> ([regex]::Matches((Invoke-RestMethod ""), '(?<=data-tgev-container="tops">).*?(?=</a>)') | ForEach-Object { $_.Value })                    
PRINCE’S HUGE FAIL: William exposed by new video of Kate Middleton
Entire school bulldozed after disturbing find
‘Major’ breach over Kate’s medical records
Couple’s horrific act while drunk on beach
Another Kate photo confirmed to be ‘edited’
Karl, Campbell tear Olympics to shreds
Nicole Kidman’s racy new mag photo shoot
Homeowner arrested trying to evict squatter
Tragedy as man dies after snake bite
‘Nasty’: Trump’s warning to Kevin Rudd
Police announce star’s tragic cause of death
Elite headmaster goes on ‘wokeness’ rant
Aussie flight sale with $355 fares to Europe
$152 machine that’s ‘like a cafe at home’

This is missing some modules such as NetAdapter, but it is still very usable.

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