Posted: 10 January 2024. At: 9:26 AM. This was 6 months ago. Post ID: 19018
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Install FVWM95 on Alma Linux and replicate Windows `95 on modern Linux.

Installing FVWM95 is easy on a modern Linux distribution. I used this branch of the code, this will compile and run on a modern system.

Download the source code.

(jcartwright@localhost) ~  $ git clone

Once it has downloaded, navigate to the source tree.

(jcartwright@localhost) ~  $ cd fvwm95/

Then run the bootstrap script to run all autoconf tasks.

(jcartwright@localhost) ~  $ ./bootstrap

Once this is completed, the configure script will be ready. Run this script and if there are no problems, then run ‘make’.

(jcartwright@localhost) ~  $ ./configure

This will compile all of the source code and build all required libraries and executables.

(jcartwright@localhost) ~  $ make ; make install

And ‘make install’ will install the compiled software to /usr/local.

Now the window manager is installed.

Now we need to add it to the GDM login manager to make it usable. Just create this .desktop file to add it to GDM.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session logs you into FVWM95

This is the /usr/share/xsessions/fvwm95.desktop file. This is how we can add a third-party window manager to GDM.

After this, the FVWM95 window manager will be installed and ready for use. This is a very easy-to-install Window Manager.

Use the sample fvwm95rc file included with the source code. Install this as the ~/.fvwm95rc file and then the menus may be edited. Follow this guide to configure this file.

FVWM Beginners Guide

Here is a sample. I have edited this to allow running Gnome Terminal and Firefox.

#--------- Taskbar's start menu

DestroyMenu "StartMenu"
AddToMenu "[email protected]@^#808080^" \
  "&Terminal%mini-term.xpm%"		Exec gnome-terminal
+ "&Web browser%mini-nscape.xpm%"	Exec firefox
+ "&File manager%mini-filemgr.xpm%"	Exec nautilus
+ ""				Nop
+ "&Programs%programs.xpm%"	Popup Programs
#+ "&Documents%documents.xpm%"	Popup Documents
+ "&Settings%settings.xpm%"	Popup Settings
+ ""				Nop
+ "&Help%help.xpm%"		Exec  xman 
#+ "&Run...%run.xpm%"		Exec  run 
+ ""				Nop 
+ "Logo&ut%shutdown.xpm%"	Popup Shutdown

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