Posted: 16 May 2023. At: 11:38 AM. This was 1 year ago. Post ID: 18024
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Imgur wiping images that do not belong to an account. Time to back stuff up.

The imgur image hosting website is deleting images that do not belong to an account. This is quite a massive purge of data. This will be like the tinypic purge in the past, a lt of old forum posts will have broken images now. Does this mean that there will be a placeholder image instead? The issue is that if you do not remember the URL of all images you uploaded, you would not be able to find and save all the pictures before they are wiped. I am not sure how many of my posts are using imgur, but I could search the database and find all of them and then I could replace the images. This would not be a huge problem. The imgbb website is a good alternative if the website owner does not want to pay for a dedicated CDN for your website. View imgur statistics here: This is very interesting to watch in action. Does this mean that there are 1.12 billion images on imgur? That is amazing.

You can not say there was no warning either, this is a warning, this is a good time to check all of the images on your website and ensure that they are not broken links. You do not want a thousand broken links instead of images on a forum website. But as I said, this is tinypic all over again.

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