Posted: 12 March 2019. At: 11:45 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 12947
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How to update package repositories on Arch Linux easily.

Updating Arch Linux does not need to be hard. I am using Arch labs and it is easy to update and configure.

To update package repositories on Arch Linux, use this command.

pacman -Syu

List all packages that are no longer required on the system.

pacman -Qdt

Download a package to your Arch Linux system without installing it.

pacman -Sw

Create a list of all installed packages on your system.

pacman -Qqe > pkglist.txt

Install all packages from a previously created list.

pacman -S --needed $(comm -12 <(pacman -Slq | sort) <(sort pkglist.txt))

Install packages from a local repository on a CD or DVD disk.

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