Posted: 3 December 2013. At: 12:24 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 6640
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How to mount USB drives in Ubuntu without needing root access. This is very easy indeed.

Mounting a USB drive in Ubuntu without needing root access.

If you want to be able to mount a USB drive in Ubuntu or Linux Mint without clicking the entry in the Nautilus file manager then this post is for you.

Type this command to install the pmount utility.

homer@lollinux-machina:~$ sudo apt-get install pmount

Then plug in a USB drive and query the kernel to see what the device identifier is. Do this by typing dmesg | tail. If you have only just plugged in the USB drive it will show the device id, e.g /dev/sdj. Then type this command to mount the drive.

homer@lollinux-machina:~$ pmount /dev/sdj1

This will mount the drive at the /media/sdj1 location and you will then be able to access the files.

The pumount command will then unmount the media when you are finished with it.

homer@lollinux-machina:~$ pumount /dev/sdj1

This is a very useful command that you could put into a script to mount all of your NTFS drives on startup.

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