Posted: 30 May 2017. At: 11:58 PM. This was 7 years ago. Post ID: 9190
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How to find out interesting and useful things when at the Linux command prompt.

Find out useful system information with the command line

Find out what day Easter is? Use this useful command.

ubuntu ~ $ ncal -e
March 27 2016

Display the date of Easter for Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches.

ubuntu ~ $ ncal -o
May  1 2016

Find out how much disk space is left on your / partition.

ubuntu ~ $ df -Hla /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1       32G   26G  5.1G  84% /

Get the weather for Montreal Canada with the finger command.

ubuntu ~ $ finger
                   -= Meteogram for canada/quebec/montreal =-
 'C                                                                   Rain (mm)
 25               =-----
 23            =--      ---
 22^^^                                    ---
 21                                    ^^^
 20     |   ===                                     5 mm
 19   ==|                  =--               ---    4 mm
 18     |===                  ---   =--             3 mm
 17     |  |                                        2 mm
 16     |  |  |                  ---                1 mm
    23 02 05_08_11_14_17 20 23 02 05_08_11_14_17 20 Hour
     3  2  2  4  7  7  7  6  4  4  4  5  6  6  6  5 Wind(mps)
Legend left axis:   - Sunny   ^ Scattered   = Clouded   =V= Thunder   # Fog
Legend right axis:  | Rain    ! Sleet       * Snow
[Your ad here? (Forget it!)]

Get a shorter forecast like this.

ubuntu ~ $ finger
montreal at 23:00: 22 C, 3.4 mps wind from SSW.

The user may also substitute other cities to get information about where they live.

ubuntu ~ $ finger
              -= Meteogram for australia/new_south_wales/sydney =-
 'C                                                                   Rain (mm)
 18                         12                     10 mm
 17---                       |                      9 mm
 16   ^^^                  ==|                      8 mm
 15                     ===  |======  |  |          7 mm
 14      =--                 |        |  |      === 6 mm
 13         ===              |  |   ==|  |     |    5 mm
 12            =========     |  |  |  |==|==|  |    4 mm
 11                    |     |  |  |  |  |  |==|  | 3 mm
 10              |     |     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 2 mm
  9           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 1 mm
   _13 16 19 22 01 04_07_10_13 16 19 22 01 04_07_10 Hour
     S SW  S SW SW SW SW SE  S  E  E NE SE NW NW  E Wind dir.
     4  4  6  5  3  3  2  3  4  4  4  1  1  1  1  2 Wind(mps)
Legend left axis:   - Sunny   ^ Scattered   = Clouded   =V= Thunder   # Fog
Legend right axis:  | Rain    ! Sleet       * Snow
[Rate limited to survive twitter storm. Max 3 connections pr. 30 seconds.]

Get the battery status of your laptop from the command line with a simple utility.

Firstly, install the acpi utility.

ubuntu ~ $ sudo apt-get install acpi

Then just execute the acpi command to get battery information.

Another way to get the system hostname.

jason@jason-virtual-machine ~ $ /sbin/sysctl kernel.hostname | sed -n -e 's/^.*= //p'

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