Posted: 11 July 2022. At: 9:55 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16447
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How to encode a vp9 webm and OPUS audio very easily with ffmpeg.

Encoding a VP9 WebM with OPUS audio is very easy with FFmpeg. This is using a 2-pass procedure to encode a good quality VP9 WebM.

Do the first pass, this will write a ffmpeg2pass-0.log file, this stores the settings to use for the 2nd pass.

└─$ ffmpeg -ss 00:02:00 -t 20 -i Nosferatu_1922_Symphony_of_Horror.avi -threads 0 -vf scale=960:720 -g 999 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -b:v 3M -crf 45 -qmin 35 -qmax 63 -y -sn -pass 1 vanp.webm

Then do the 2nd pass to properly encode the final encoded WebM file.

└─$ ffmpeg -ss 00:02:00 -t 8 -i Nosferatu_1922_Symphony_of_Horror.avi -threads 0 -vf scale=960:720 -g 999 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -b:v 3M -crf 45 -qmin 35 -qmax 63 -y -sn -pass 2 vanp.webm

This is the final encoded WebM file I managed to make with these commands.

This turned out very well indeed. And the clip below shows the quality this gives you.

A very good solution for sharing high-quality video clips online.

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