Posted: 28 March 2017. At: 4:24 PM. This was 7 years ago. Post ID: 10413
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How easy it is to crack WIFI with the WPS Pixie attack.

This posting shows how easy it is to crack WIFI access points using the WPS Pixie attack. I needed Internet access and there was a vulnerable access point nearby. So I cranked up Parrot OS and cracked the WIFI access point in 5 minutes.

Cracking a WIFI access point with the WPS attack.
Cracking a WIFI access point with the WPS attack.

Now I have cracked the WIFI access point. This only took 5 minutes and then I got the complex PSK easily. Even though this access point used WPA2, this did not matter, as the AP was using vulnerable firmware.

WIFI access point cracked by wifite.
WIFI access point cracked by wifite.

The router is a Netcomm NB14Wn and they are also using a Cisco AP to provide the actual WIFI access. But it is mis-configured obviously. The MAC is: 00:60:64:45:6a:ac.

Netcomm router properties.
Netcomm router properties. This is why you do not have WPS enabled on your router, or buy one that is vulnerable to the WPS Pixie dust attack.

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