Posted: 13 June 2024. At: 4:55 PM. This was 3 weeks ago. Post ID: 19732
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Grigory Herman will return to voice the bandits in S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2.

Grigory Herman will return to Stalker 2 to voice the bandits. His voice will be in the Ukranian version of the Stalker 2 release. Familiar bandit phrases such as “Чики-брики в дамки” will be heard in the Stalker 2 game upon release. This will add another layer of grit and charm to the game that is already shaping up to be an amazing release. The Xbox Games showcase 2024 displayed a nice map view and awesome gunplay, but the authentic voice acting will just make it even better. This is part of the soul the Stalker series delivers, and the atmosphere of the ruined Ukrainian exclusion zone. From the large Wild Territory train yard and the Jupiter plant, this will be an atmospheric gaming experience. Stalker Lost Alpha brings a retro feel with all of the build maps in one large mod. But I do not mind the larger game world of Stalker 2. Seeing what is between maps would be well worth it. The overgrown lush zone promises to hide many dangers. What could be lurking in the bushes and undergrowth in the wild areas of the zone, especially closer to the Chornobyl nuclear plant and Generator area?

Rostok factory in Kiev Ukraine. This was the location of the GSC studio in 2002.

Pictured above is the Rostok plant in Kviv Ukraine. This was the location of the GSC studio in 2002. In the Stalker Oblivion Lost remake; this appears as a separate area in the bar map, it harbours many mutants such as Bloodsuckers and giant rats. A quite unnerving map to explore on your own. And the huge radar map in Lost Alpha is scary as it is so large. The map has huge garbage piles and longer roads to traverse on foot, making blind dogs and other mutants a hazard unless you can climb an electricity tower or vehicle quickly enough. But this is part of the fun. Massive maps like Road are a very long winding road through a huge forest and are a pain to cross without a car. So I hope driving cars works in Stalker 2. That would be very helpful. But apparently, there is no car driving unless someone makes a mod. Depending on the distance between areas, maybe it uses fast-travel or some other game mechanic to fast-track travel between Rostok and Radar or Army warehouses. But there are no level transitions in this new game. So no transitions like in Call of Pripyat.

Stalker Lost Alpha Radar map.

That would be a good thing, but how are you going to travel large distances easily with no UAZ or a Kamaz truck to ease the task? Having a truck would mean you could run over crowds of blind dogs and those annoying mutant rats. I guess after more information comes to light, this will be explained; in due time. The war in Ukraine is still not stopping the game development it seems.

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