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Enable the use of NTFS filesystems on Alma Linux very easily.

  1. How to check if the kernel drivers are loaded

Alma Linux is a great alternative to CentOS. However, it can not read or write to an NTFS filesystem by default. But this is easily fixed.

As long as the EPEL repository is enabled, you may install these packages to enable NTFS support.

Install the EPEL repo on Alma Linux 9 this way.

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
sudo dnf install epel-release

Then, the packages may be installed thusly.

[root@localhost jcartwright]# dnf in ntfs-3g -y
[root@localhost jcartwright]# dnf install ntfsprogs -y

This will enable NTFS support right away. Then you will be able to mount and use any NTFS drive in the file manager.

How to check if the kernel drivers are loaded

To check if the NTFS drivers are loaded, use the lsmod command to get information about all loaded kernel drivers.

└─$ lsmod| grep ntfs

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