Posted: 16 August 2022. At: 1:00 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 4436
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Creating a simple database with MySQL on either Linux or Windows. This will get you started.

The example below shows the database I am creating with MySQL. This is a list of the operating systems and Linux distributions I have used over the years. Not all but a good listing.

I use the mysql -uroot -p command to start MySQL, then I type in the password that I entered after installing the MySQL server software. The database I am using was created with the create database fun; command within MySQL.

C:\HOME\FLYNN> mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: 
Welcome TO the MySQL monitor.  Commands END WITH ; OR \g.
Your MySQL connection id IS 48
Server version: 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle AND/OR its affiliates. ALL rights reserved.
Oracle IS a registered trademark OF Oracle Corporation AND/OR its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks OF their respective
TYPE 'help;' OR '\h' FOR help. TYPE '\c' TO clear the CURRENT INPUT statement.

Now create a database named ‘fun’.

Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.29 sec)

Then we switch to the new database we wish to use.

mysql> USE fun;
DATABASE changed

Then we may begin creating database tables within that database. Create a table named ‘operatingsystems’.

Query OK, 0 ROWS affected (0.53 sec)

Once the table is done, we can begin creating records in the table.

mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Windows 3.0', 'Windows', 'Microsoft');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.10 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Windows 3.1', 'Windows', 'Microsoft');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.06 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Windows `95', 'Windows', 'Microsoft');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Windows `98', 'Windows', 'Microsoft');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Redhat 6.2', 'Linux', 'Redhat');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (17.43 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'FreeBSD 6.2', 'UNIX', 'FreeBSD Developers');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Mandrake Linux 9.0', 'Linux', 'Mandrake');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Mandrake Linux 9.2', 'Linux', 'Mandrake');                                 
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.86 sec)                                                                                                                     
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'SUSE Linux 9.2', 'Linux', 'SUSE');                             
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.24 sec)                                                                                                                     
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'SUSE Linux 10', 'Linux', 'SUSE');                                         
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.04 sec)                                                                                                                     
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'SUSE Linux 10.2', 'Linux', 'SUSE');                                          
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.04 sec)                                                                                                                     
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Ubuntu 8.10', 'Linux', 'Canonical');                               
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.05 sec)                                                                                                                     
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Ubuntu 9.04', 'Linux', 'Canonical');                                                                                                 
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.04 sec)                                                                                                                                                                               
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Ubuntu 9.10', 'Linux', 'Canonical');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.20 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Ubuntu 10.04', 'Linux', 'Canonical');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.07 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO operatingsystems(OsID, Name, TYPE, vendor) VALUES (NULL, 'Ubuntu 10.10', 'Linux', 'Canonical');
Query OK, 1 ROW affected (0.05 sec)

After I was finished entering the data I request a listing of the data.

mysql> SELECT * FROM operatingsystems;
| OsID | Name               | TYPE    | vendor             |
|    1 | Windows 3.0        | Windows | Microsoft          |
|    2 | Windows 3.1        | Windows | Microsoft          |
|    3 | Windows `95        | Windows | Microsoft          |
|    4 | Windows `98        | Windows | Microsoft          |
|    5 | Redhat 6.2         | Linux   | Redhat             |
|    6 | FreeBSD 6.2        | UNIX    | FreeBSD Developers |
|    7 | Mandrake Linux 9.0 | Linux   | Mandrake           |
|    8 | Mandrake Linux 9.2 | Linux   | Mandrake           |
|    9 | SUSE Linux 9.2     | Linux   | SUSE               |
|   10 | SUSE Linux 10      | Linux   | SUSE               |
|   11 | SUSE Linux 10.2    | Linux   | SUSE               |
|   12 | Ubuntu 8.10        | Linux   | Canonical          |
|   13 | Ubuntu 9.04        | Linux   | Canonical          |
|   14 | Ubuntu 9.10        | Linux   | Canonical          |
|   15 | Ubuntu 10.04       | Linux   | Canonical          |
|   16 | Ubuntu 10.10       | Linux   | Canonical          |
16 ROWS IN SET (0.01 sec)

This really is that easy, I had a hard time mastering the SQL statements at first, but now it is starting to make sense. The OsID int not null primary key auto_increment value creates a primary key that will automatically increment to give each entry a unique identification for the database to function properly. The massive Microsoft SQL Server 2008 product I have looked at also lets you manage a database, that is quite a hefty program, but very powerful indeed. But using the MySQL command-line and SQL code to enter data is still a good way of managing a database unless it is connected to an external program or web application that is writing and reading from the database. But knowing how to manage a MySQL database with SQL code is an important skill.

To list all the databases in our MySQL installation use the show databases query.

| DATABASE           |
| information_schema |
| fun                |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
5 ROWS IN SET (0.00 sec)

To list all of the tables in a certain database use this command.

mysql> SHOW TABLES IN fun;
| Tables_in_fun    |
| operatingsystems |
1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec)

And this is how to use plain text queries to search for certain text in a column.

mysql> SELECT * FROM operatingsystems WHERE Name RLIKE "server";
| OsID | Name                | TYPE    | vendor    |
|    6 | Windows 2003 Server | Windows | Microsoft |
|    7 | Windows 2008 Server | Windows | Microsoft |
2 ROWS IN SET (0.00 sec)

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