Posted: 5 March 2022. At: 2:52 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16002
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Confidential Samsung data leaked in a massive breach.

Confidential Samsung data leaked in a massive breach, this includes the content below.


  • -Source code for every Trusted Applet (TA) installed on all Samsung device’s TrustZone (TEE) with specific code for every type of TEE OS (QSEE, TEEGris etc) THIS INCLUDES DRM MODULES AND KEYMASTER/GATEKEEPER!
  • -Algorithms for all biometric unlock operations, including source code that communicates directly with sensor (down to the lowest level, we’re talking individual RX/TX bitstreams here)
  • -Bootloader source code for all recent Samsung devices, including Knox data and code for authentication.
  • -Various other data, confidential source code from Qualcomm.


  • -Samsung activation servers source code (for first-time setup)
  • -SAMSUNG ACCOUNTS FULL SOURCE CODE! Including Authentication, Identity, API, Services, and many more that wouldn’t fit here!
  • -Various other data.

This is quite a serious leak. What will be next I wonder. Will the iPhone OS leak? That would be very interesting. If it had trusted keys as well. The Algorithms for all biometric unlock operations, including source code that communicates directly with sensors, sounds very interesting, the people that download this leak will have fun with that source code. It could lead to some interesting apps in the future, and possibly some more malicious malware to target Samsung mobile phones. Samsung Activation Servers is another serious thing to be leaked. This could lead to possible third-party activation servers? Who can tell? No one is safe in this digital future, who can tell the future anyway? Anyone could get hacked next, it is impossible to know who. Could the Windows 11 source code be leaked? That would be fun to read and use. But seriously, this is happening a lot in 2022. And there is no end in sight.

Apparently, the whole bootloader source code for the S22 was leaked. What does this mean for Samsung? Also the WideVine DRM source code and the associated private key. This could lead to a DRM bypass on Android devices? Possibly a good thing. Possibly could be used to sign a video playing app to play DRM content. That would allow a plethora of new third-party applications to play video. But they would not be allowed on the Play Store I think. We will have to see what the future brings in terms of software developments. The NVIDIA 19 GiB leak, the Samsung 190GiB leak and now the AMD 2.5GiB leak. Who is next on the list?

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