Posted: 18 May 2012. At: 11:54 AM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 3854
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CISPA bill still a threat and awesome Linux shell tricks.

The Internet is still under threat, the SOPA and CISPA bills are threatening the freedom of speech that we are enjoying at the moment. The elderly members of Congress do not truly understand the Internet and are only interested in shutting down the freedom of speech to better control the flow of information that would allow the powers that be to further move our society into a police state. It is amazing what technology predicted in the past has come true, but technology these days such as automated drones to spy on citizens and cameras to watch pedestrians in the UK . It is amazing the response to the SOPA bill; the emails and all the signatures in opposition to the censorship of the Internet is amazing, we have made our voices heard against censorship. They have switched to the CISPA bill and they are still fighting against freedom of speech and we need to stay alert to these threats and keep on fighting and make everyone aware of the agenda behind the SOPA  and CISPA copyright bills. They are using copyright infringing material and illegal material as a scapegoat to censor the Internet and restrict freedom of speech. The powers that be are criticizing other countries for having poor human rights, but America needs to take a look at itself first. Any country that allows the people to be terrorized like America does needs help.

There is some nice information on the Electronic Frontier Foundation website about the CISPA bill and this needs to be fought against if we are to have any semblance of Freedom on the Internet.

Miscellaneous Linux Tricks.

Reversing a text file. The sort -nr command will reverse text fed through it. So if a text file is normally read from the top down, this will read it with the bottom of the text file at the top.

cat blog.txt | sort -nr

For example.

C:\HOME\GORDON\DESKTOP> ps | sort -nr
 1060 pts/0    00:00:00 sort
 1059 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
  884 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
  PID TTY          TIME CMD

If you insert this into your ~/.bashrc file, it will give you a prompt like the one above. I found this in this thread and I just had to share this with you.

PS1='C:${PWD_UPCASE//\\//\\\\}> '

This uses a cool uppercase feature, as shown here. Adding the ^^ characters will print the contents of the LOGNAME variable in uppercase.


And this is how to capitalize the first letter in an environment variable.


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