Posted: 4 November 2020. At: 8:49 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14760
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Bitchute website finally down.

The famous Bitchute video-sharing website is down at the moment. This is a racist website hosting horrible videos containing racism, but the Cloudflare errors show that it is finally gone. This will help stop misinformation about the current election. Youtube is still going strong, this is a better video-sharing solution anyway. We will see what happens after the US election is finished and the winner is declared. Youtube hosts many more interesting videos, like full episodes of Gordon Ramsay`s Kitchen Nightmares. That is more entertaining than the crap on Bitchute was. The Internet needs to be a more inclusive place and vile racist videos have no place on it. Let us just enjoy the election coverage and see who comes out on top. Apparently the website has really been shut down, the SSL certificate is valid until next July, but who cares. I would rather use Youtube anyday. Despite the annoying ads in videos. But if you are using the Youtube app on your `phone, just drag the progress bar all the way to the end of the video and then tap replay, then there will be no more ads. That exploit still works. A very useful trick.

Google-owned Youtube is just a better product than Bitchute, even though they had a Bitslide app for mobile users, I still prefer Youtube, it has a better community and actual moderation. That is key to any large community on the Internet, proper moderation. Youtube is a good place to post videos and hang out because of that fact. Other websites with no moderation are bad places to hang out. A safe place to talk and watch videos together is a great way to pass the time.

10 thoughts on “Bitchute website finally down.

    1. Youtube is the platform that censors content not Bitchute ! They isnt any racism or such thats a fabrication nothing else.Choose your side : socialism or freedom !

  1. Mr Cartwright, misinformation about the current election can and is being perpetrated by the major American media by its unwillingness to broadcast views antithetical to theirs. And who “theirs” is are billionaires and giant corporations who use the power of government to subjugate the working class. This has been going on in this country for many years. Their was an attempted coup in this country in the mid-thiries. Corporate masters tried to over-through Roosevelt. I know it is a democratic and media favorite to blame Trump for all the ills of the country however it is an inconvenient truth that many of our problems precede Trump by many years.
    Currently there are over 65 affidavits (actually 500 sworn affidavits alleging 11,000 incidents of various types of voter fraud) from people who witnessed activities by democratic poll workers which on their face, appear to demonstrate election interference. Some of these activities may meet the threshold of fraud. There are documented instances of poll workers removing poll watchers who have a statutory right to be there.
    “Biden won. Get over it”. Statements like this demonstrate a one sided view; a completely biased view that would ignore contrary evidence to support its position. Election interference on this scale constitutes a conspiracy- not a conspiracy theory- and is in fact an attempted coup. I hope it is not successful.
    The thing is, why is it that people like you want to shut up everyone who do not agree with your views? Are you seriously suggesting people watch “Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” instead of following developments on what will if true, amount to an attempted coup?
    Please explain to your audience why tech companies should decide what information people may see or not? Why are you right, and those who disagree with you are wrong? The Victor writes history. That is a fact of life because might makes right. But to embrace that as a matter of choice is suicidal.
    So let me sum it up. Based upon your instruction to watch Gordon Ramsay`s Kitchen Nightmares rather than election issues, I can only assume you are young; perhaps in your late teens or early 20’s. When you get older, your views may change. You may become a free thinker who believes the right to information, to allow people to decide for themselves what is right or wrong is paramount.
    Or if you are an idiot, you will remain what can only be described as a sycophant (webster’s Dictionary: a servile self-seeking flatterer). And you will continue to malign people with whose views you disagree.

  2. U tube is wonderful… so is Google…
    but why did you delete thousands of videos that definitely weren’t racist…
    they might have been political but in America is it legal to be political…
    isn’t America a democracy?
    and isn’t random Censorship anti democratic…
    shame on you Google

  3. You are a vile person who thinks you can slander people with your accusations of “racism”. Keep it up, morons. We get your game. You just hate white people and you hide behind the “racism” accusation. It’s pure projection.

  4. You are an idiot with no clue! Your moronic socialist communist views show you to be fact-less, tactless, imbecilic, uninformed, uneducated and totally bankrupt of any real morality! Freedom of speech is important so is freedom for the common person – everything you stand for goes against these basic freedoms and human rights! Get a life!

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