Posted: 17 May 2012. At: 11:25 AM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 3842
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Australian school laptops have spyware & US government Internet monitoring.

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Tech sanctions against IRAN and Siria

Tech sanctions against IRAN & Siria?

It has come to light that Australian government schools that offer take-home laptops are installing spyware on the machines that are allowing teachers to monitor the usage of the machines. This is a clear violation of privacy and should not be allowed to happen. Of course they need to make sure that the laptops are only used for educational purposes, but this level of 1984 Orwellian surveillance is going too far in my opinion and they need to strike a balance between ensuring proper use and big brother styled surveillance that is intruding into privacy. Of course the laptops are running Windows, that operating system is vulnerable to all sorts of spyware and malware. Linux is more secure and the Google Android operating system that is based on the Linux kernel. My Android tablet was running the 2.6.29 kernel, now I have the 2.6.32 kernel. The Android 2.2.2 release is improved over the 2.1 release, with slightly improved performance. I have noticed that the login swipe screen is faster and smoother, and overall it is very nice. There is an Android x86 project that is porting the Google Android OS to the x86 platform, this at the same time that there is a conceited effort to port the Ubuntu Linux distribution to the Google Android platform. Despite the many faults, Ubuntu is still more secure than Windows although a distribution like Fedora Core 17 is shipped with NSA Selinux making it the most secure.

If you create a LVM setup, creating a container that holds / and /home; then you can encrypt the root file-system and keep your files even more secure. That is the best way to keep your root file-system secure. Just do not forget your encryption key or you will be locked out of your system until you remember it. That is the point of encryption though, to keep out prying eyes. Using a laptop for a while and then finding out that everything you have been doing on the machine has been recorded would be quite shocking indeed, hopefully something will happen after this has come to light. I wonder what sort of hardware hacks they have performed on these machines to stop the students from installing other operating systems like Linux. But they are not allowed to remove the spyware infested release of Windows that they come with, the software even allowed time-stamped screen-shots of the screen remotely whilst the laptop computer was in use. Surely that is an invasion of privacy. Just like the SOPA and now CISPA bills that they are pushing through the senate in the US. They are an invasion of privacy. They just want to spy on everyday citizens instead of actually fighting against actual terrorism. The US government are becoming like that evil government in escape from LA. They are announcing sanctions against Iran and Siria, but they are enhancing their own capabilities to spy on US citizens and monitor the Internet around the world.

President Obama is condemning Internet monitoring overseas whilst praising the same thing in America, not to mention the drones that are deployed to spy on American citizens. The terrorists have won in America, that is for sure. And the TSA that are giving a young girl with cerebal palsy an aggressive pat-down search in violation of their civil rights. Not that they have any in America these days. Why would anyone want to live there? They are implementing spy drones to look at what all Americans are doing in their backyards and treating them like terrorists. That is not the land of the free anymore. How long until someone shoots down a drone and is arrested for that?

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