Posted: 16 December 2022. At: 12:33 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 17282
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Arma Reforger still lacks players after all this time.

The PC game Arma Reforger still lacks players after countless months of development. And it still gets crashes and kicks even after a few hotfixes. This is not good when this is supposed to be a preview of the new Enfusion engine that will power Arma 4. And you can not even have underground tunnels yet? Unreal Tournament 2007 allows this by cutting a hole in the terrain and then joining this to an underground tunnel and then having an AI mesh calculated to enable bots to navigate in the underground tunnel perfectly. This is very easy in Unreal Engine 5. Modelling a wall and then a tunnel through the wall is simple. And it is very flexible when creating a terrain or indoor area. Arma 4 needs the EDEN editor on launch, this is quite flexible to use when building a mission quickly. I doubt that the EDEN editor would even work on a console, so I fear for the future of milsim gaming if something like Reforger is what a game studio can turn out. Not everyone wants to play with console gamers and Arma 3 was a PC-only game. It does support controllers though.

Military simulation games can work on both console and PC platforms, and which one is better for a particular game can depend on a variety of factors. One consideration is the level of graphical detail and performance that the game requires. Military simulation games often have detailed environments and realistic graphics, which can be more demanding in terms of hardware requirements. Consoles generally have less powerful hardware than high-end gaming PCs, so a military simulation game that is particularly demanding from a technical perspective might be better suited to a PC platform. However, many consoles now have very powerful hardware and are capable of running games with high levels of graphical detail. Another consideration is the type of input that the game requires. Military simulation games often have complex controls, with many different buttons and functions that need to be accessed during gameplay. This can be easier to manage with a mouse and keyboard setup, which allows for more precise control and quicker access to individual keys. However, console controllers can also be configured to support a wide range of inputs, and many players prefer the feel of a controller for certain types of games.

Ultimately, whether a military simulation game is better on a console or a PC will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the game developers and the target audience. Both platforms have their own strengths and limitations, and the best choice will depend on the specific goals and design of the game.

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